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椰子鸡 · 2024年05月17日




Chris Rodriguez, CFA, is a portfolio manager at Nisqually Asset Management, which specializes in trading highly illiquid shares. Rodriguez has been using Hon Securities Brokers almost exclusively when making transactions for Nisqually clients, as well as for his own relatively small account. Hallways executes Rodriguez's personal trades at a more preferential price than for Rodriguez’s clients' accounts. This special pricing occurs regardless of whether or not Rodriguez personally trades before or after clients. Rodriguez should least likely do which of the following in order to comply with the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?


A.Trade client accounts before his own account. B.Eliminate the exclusive trading arrangement. C.Average trade prices across all trading accounts.


Rodriguez is in violation of Standard IV(A): Loyalty, which requires that, in matters related to their employment, members and candidates must act for the benefit of their employer and not deprive their employer of the advantage of their skills and abilities, divulge confidential information, or otherwise cause harm to their employer. Rodriguez should not accept the special treatment from Hon; instead, he should ask Hon to lower costs for the transactions of his Nisqually clients. Rodriguez should not average transaction costs because his clients should be given the lower preferential prices according to Standard III(A): Loyalty, Prudence, and Care.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年05月17日


Chris Rodriguez是Nisqually Asset Management的投资组合经理,他通过Hon Securities Brokers进行交易,并且他个人的交易获得了比客户更优惠的价格,不论他是在客户之前还是之后进行交易。


接着看选项B:“消除独家交易安排”。这个选项直接针对了问题的核心,即Rodriguez通过独家交易安排获得了不应有的利益。如果他终止这种特惠关系,就能确保他和客户在交易时获得相同的价格,这样就符合了CFA Institute对于忠诚度的要求。

最后是选项C:“在所有交易账户中平均交易价格”。这个选项实际上是不合适的。因为按照CFA Institute的职业道德标准,客户应该获得最优惠的价格,而不是接受一个平均价格。这样做可能会让客户支付高于他们本应支付的价格,从而损害了客户的利益。

综合以上分析,为了遵守CFA Institute的职业道德标准,Rodriguez最不应该做的是“在所有交易账户中平均交易价格”。因为这样做违背了对客户忠诚、审慎和关心的原则,客户应该获得最低的交易成本。



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NO.PZ2023021602000057问题如下 Chris Roiguez, CFis a portfolio manager Nisqually Asset Management, whispecializes in trang highly illiquishares. Roiguez hbeen using Hon Securities Brokers almost exclusively when making transactions for Nisqually clients, well for his own relatively small account. Hallways executes Roiguez's persontras a more preferentiprithfor Roiguez’s clients' accounts. This specipricing occurs regaress of whether or not Roiguez personally tras before or after clients. Roiguez shoulleast likely whiof the following in orr to comply with the CFA Institute Stanr of ProfessionConct?A.Tra client accounts before his own account.B.Eliminate the exclusive trang arrangement.C.Average tra prices across all trang accounts.Roiguez is in violation of StanrIV(A): Loyalty, whirequires that, in matters relateto their employment, members ancantes must afor the benefit of their employer annot prive their employer of the aantage of their skills anabilities, vulge confintiinformation, or otherwise cause harm to their employer. Roiguez shoulnot accept the specitreatment from Hon; instea he shoulask Hon to lower costs for the transactions of his Nisqually clients. Roiguez shoulnot average transaction costs because his clients shoulgiven the lower preferentiprices accorng to StanrIII(A): Loyalty, Prunce, anCare.问题least like to in orr to comply,是我理解错意思了吗?

2024-06-30 17:17 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023021602000057 问题如下 Chris Roiguez, CFis a portfolio manager Nisqually Asset Management, whispecializes in trang highly illiquishares. Roiguez hbeen using Hon Securities Brokers almost exclusively when making transactions for Nisqually clients, well for his own relatively small account. Hallways executes Roiguez's persontras a more preferentiprithfor Roiguez’s clients' accounts. This specipricing occurs regaress of whether or not Roiguez personally tras before or after clients. Roiguez shoulleast likely whiof the following in orr to comply with the CFA Institute Stanr of ProfessionConct? A.Tra client accounts before his own account. B.Eliminate the exclusive trang arrangement. C.Average tra prices across all trang accounts. Roiguez is in violation of StanrIV(A): Loyalty, whirequires that, in matters relateto their employment, members ancantes must afor the benefit of their employer annot prive their employer of the aantage of their skills anabilities, vulge confintiinformation, or otherwise cause harm to their employer. Roiguez shoulnot accept the specitreatment from Hon; instea he shoulask Hon to lower costs for the transactions of his Nisqually clients. Roiguez shoulnot average transaction costs because his clients shoulgiven the lower preferentiprices accorng to StanrIII(A): Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. 可以帮忙讲解一下这个题目吗

2024-05-14 16:41 1 · 回答