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luojy · 2024年05月16日


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Schuylkill and Chaopraya now discuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value of the four future cash flows as $230,372, with a money duration of $2,609,700 and convexity of 135.142. She considers three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, as presented in Exhibit 2.

Determine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify your decision.





Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one that satisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:

  • Money Duration: Money durations of all three possible immunizing portfolios match or closely match the money duration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money durations is useful because the market values and cash flow yields of the immunizing portfolio and the outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.
  • Convexity: Given that the money duration requirement is met by all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity that is above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 should be selected. The dispersion, as measured by convexity, of the immunizing portfolio should be as low as possible subject to being greater than or equal to the dispersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effect of non-parallel shifts in the yield curve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less than the outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 have convexities that exceed the convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower than Portfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.

The immunizing portfolio needs to be greater than the convexity (and dispersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio should be minimized in order to minimize dispersion and reduce structural risk


1.这题我觉得答案中还少写了一个点,就是PV(asset)≥ PV(liability)原则,所以我在答案的基础上又多加了一条,不知道是否可以,我加粗标为绿色了,请老师帮忙看一下:

portfolio 2 is the most approriate immunization portfolio. Reasons are as the follows:

①market value.  Market value of all three possible  immunizing portfolios are larger than present value of the four future cash flows ($230,372).

②Money Duration. Money duration of all three possible immunizing portfolios match or closely match the money duration of the outflow portfolio.

③Convexity. The dispersion of the immunizing portfolio should be as low as possible, subject to being greater than or equal to the dispersion of the outflow portfolio. portfolio 3's convexity of 132.865 is less than the outflow portfolio's convexity, so portfolio 3 is inapproriate. Both portfolio 1 and portfolio 2 have convexity that exceeds the convexity of the outflow portfolio, but portfolio 2's convexity is lower than portfolio 1.

Therefore, portfolio 2 is the most approriate immunizing portfolio.


dispersion越大越离散,意味着现金流发生的时间点隔的比较远,convexity会比较大,比如说barbell就是dispersion大, convexity高,structrural risk会比较大。

diversification高指的是现金流比较分散,就是很多时间点上都有发生现金流,不一定convexity最高,比如说laddered portfolio就是diversification高,可以更好的用来管理流动性。

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年05月16日





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  • 0

  • 137


NO.PZ201812020100001202 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk portfolio 2 is most appropriatethe maket value of immunization portfolio shoulmore or equto the present value of the four future cash flows ($230,372). the maket value of portfolio 1 is 245178, the maket value of portfolio 2 is 248230, the maket value of portfolio 3 is 251337, all of the three portfolios cmeet this requirment. the money ration of immunization portfolio shoulequto the money ration of liability(2069700).the money ration of portfolio 1 is 2609981, the money ration of portfolio 2 is 2609442, the money ration of portfolio 3 is2609707, all of the three portfolios' money ration are almost equto the the money ration of liability(2069700).the convexity of immunization portfolio shoulmore ththe convexity of liability(135.142). the same time ,the convexity of immunization portfolio shoulmore less possibile, whicmin the structure risk. the convexity of portfolio 3 is 132.865, whcih is less th135.142. so the portfolio 3 is exclu the convexity of portfolio1 anportfolio 2 is more th135.142. however the he convexity of portfolio 2 (139.851)is less ththof the portfolio 1 (147.640). so portfolio 2 is most appropriate.

2024-01-18 18:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001202 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio.to immunize multiple liability, three requirements shoulmet1、the preset value of portfolio shoulexceeor equto the present value of liability2、the llration of portfolio shoulconsistent with the llration of liability3、the convexity of portfolio shoulexceethe convexity of liability,anminimize the convexity of portfolioportfolio3 is not suitable e to its lower convexity of 132.865,whiis smaller th135.142portfolio1 is not suitable e to its larger convexity relative to portfolio2

2023-05-23 12:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001202 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk In orr to achieve immunization, three requirements neeto fullfillePresent Value of the asset (portfolio) neeto equor exceethe PV of the liabilities.Money ration (BPV) of the asset (portfolio) neeto closely matchethe Money ration (BPV) of the liabilities.Convexity of the Portfolio neeto larger thConvexity of the liability anaslo the minimise possible.Portfolio 2 is the most suitablePresent Value of the asset (portfolio) neeto equor exceethe PV of the liabilities. 1, 2, an3 are OKMoney ration (BPV) of the asset (portfolio) neeto closely matchethe Money ration (BPV) of the liabilities. 1, 2 an3 are OKConvexity of the Portfolio neeto larger thConvexity

2022-12-18 19:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001202问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk 为什么不选组合1?组合2的M于负债的M。组合3的C小于负债的C。应该选组合1呀。谢谢老师。组合2的M么判断是近似等于负债的M。差多少算是近似等?

2022-08-14 16:20 1 · 回答