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Christinafx · 2024年05月15日




Before the meeting ends, Swanson mentions that Americana is launching a new market-neutral fund. This fund will take full advantage of the stock-picking expertise of Americana's research team by expressing negative views through short positions. Swanson's comments to Rizzitano on this topic are captured in Statement 1.

Statement 1: I suggest taking $5 million of the $25 million that the BTU endowment has invested in the Legends Fund and investing the proceeds in this new market-neutral fund. Doing so would allow the BTU endowment to reduce its total equity portfolio market risk (i.e., beta), increase the portfolio's diversification across other non-market risk factors and reduce the portfolio's tracking error.

Rizzitano tells Swanson that he will consider the suggestion.

State whether Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is correct. Explain your reason briefly.




Adding shorts to a portfolio may amplify, rather than reduce, the portfolio's tracking error(i.e., active risk) by increasing the portfolio's active share. Therefore, Swanson's justification for adding the market-neutral fund to the BTU endowment is incorrect.

Investing in the new market-neutral fund would indeed reduce the BTU endowment's overall market risk (beta) since market-neutral funds aim to neutralize beta.

However, the claim that this would increase diversification across non-market risk factors is not accurate. Beta is a measure of market risk, not a non-market risk factor.

Additionally, reducing beta does not directly imply a reduction in tracking error, which is influenced by the portfolio's alignment with its benchmark.

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年05月16日









在正常的多头portfolio里增加一个market - neutral,会增加active risk。

Statement 1 is incorrect。


active risk有两个来源:一是correlation,二是active share。

correlation减少,active risk增加。

active share增加,active risk增加


1)加入market - neutral后,由于market - neutral与benchmark相关性低,增加active risk。

2)加入market - neutral后,由于market中有空头,会增加active share,增加active risk。


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NO.PZ2023010903000071 问题如下 Before the meeting en, Swanson mentions thAmericana is launching a new market-neutrfun This funwill take full aantage of the stock-picking expertise of Americana's researteexpressing negative views through short positions. Swanson's comments to Rizzitano on this topic are capturein Statement 1.Statement 1: I suggest taking $5 million of the $25 million ththe BTU enwment hinvestein the Legen Funaninvesting the procee in this new market-neutrfun ing so woulallow the BTU enwment to reits totequity portfolio market risk (i.e., beta), increase the portfolio's versification across other non-market risk factors anrethe portfolio's tracking error.Rizzitano tells Swanson thhe will consir the suggestion.State whether Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is correct. Explain your reason briefly. Answer:Aing shorts to a portfolio mamplify, rather threce, the portfolio's tracking error(i.e., active risk) increasing the portfolio's active share. Therefore, Swanson's justification for aing the market-neutrfunto the BTU enwment is incorrect. 这句话说的对么老师因为对冲的是market risk

2024-07-16 13:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010903000071 问题如下 Before the meeting en, Swanson mentions thAmericana is launching a new market-neutrfun This funwill take full aantage of the stock-picking expertise of Americana's researteexpressing negative views through short positions. Swanson's comments to Rizzitano on this topic are capturein Statement 1.Statement 1: I suggest taking $5 million of the $25 million ththe BTU enwment hinvestein the Legen Funaninvesting the procee in this new market-neutrfun ing so woulallow the BTU enwment to reits totequity portfolio market risk (i.e., beta), increase the portfolio's versification across other non-market risk factors anrethe portfolio's tracking error.Rizzitano tells Swanson thhe will consir the suggestion.State whether Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is correct. Explain your reason briefly. Answer:Aing shorts to a portfolio mamplify, rather threce, the portfolio's tracking error(i.e., active risk) increasing the portfolio's active share. Therefore, Swanson's justification for aing the market-neutrfunto the BTU enwment is incorrect. 讲义上写market neutral: less volatile thlong-only strategies。那为什么说retracking error不对,反而增加呢?

2024-07-12 10:16 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010903000071 问题如下 Before the meeting en, Swanson mentions thAmericana is launching a new market-neutrfun This funwill take full aantage of the stock-picking expertise of Americana's researteexpressing negative views through short positions. Swanson's comments to Rizzitano on this topic are capturein Statement 1.Statement 1: I suggest taking $5 million of the $25 million ththe BTU enwment hinvestein the Legen Funaninvesting the procee in this new market-neutrfun ing so woulallow the BTU enwment to reits totequity portfolio market risk (i.e., beta), increase the portfolio's versification across other non-market risk factors anrethe portfolio's tracking error.Rizzitano tells Swanson thhe will consir the suggestion.State whether Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is correct. Explain your reason briefly. Answer:Aing shorts to a portfolio mamplify, rather threce, the portfolio's tracking error(i.e., active risk) increasing the portfolio's active share. Therefore, Swanson's justification for aing the market-neutrfunto the BTU enwment is incorrect. 老师,可以一下为什么加入market-neutral后会增加tracking error吗,课后没看懂,李老师讲的说因为market neutr会使portfolio的systmetic risk降低,而benchmark一般只有systematic risk,因为portfoli systematic risk下降了,所以和benchmark 的systematic risk不一样所以导致tracking error增多。完全没理解这在说啥,而且和课后好像也是两回事。

2024-07-03 22:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010903000071 问题如下 Before the meeting en, Swanson mentions thAmericana is launching a new market-neutrfun This funwill take full aantage of the stock-picking expertise of Americana's researteexpressing negative views through short positions. Swanson's comments to Rizzitano on this topic are capturein Statement 1.Statement 1: I suggest taking $5 million of the $25 million ththe BTU enwment hinvestein the Legen Funaninvesting the procee in this new market-neutrfun ing so woulallow the BTU enwment to reits totequity portfolio market risk (i.e., beta), increase the portfolio's versification across other non-market risk factors anrethe portfolio's tracking error.Rizzitano tells Swanson thhe will consir the suggestion.State whether Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is correct. Explain your reason briefly. Answer:Aing shorts to a portfolio mamplify, rather threce, the portfolio's tracking error(i.e., active risk) increasing the portfolio's active share. Therefore, Swanson's justification for aing the market-neutrfunto the BTU enwment is incorrect. Swanson's justification in Statement 1 is incorreregarng the portfolio's tracking error. the new market-neutrfunwill use long/short strategy, whiwill increase the tracking error.

2024-01-16 21:42 1 · 回答