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是个名就被占了 · 2024年05月15日




Investors engage in monitoring their investees to:


A.direct investees toward adopting improved ESG practices.

B.understand performance and business opportunities for the investees.

C.express their position on key issues and concerns related to the investees.


B is correct. According to the Investor Forum white paper, monitoring dialogues are conversations between investors and management to understand performance and opportunity more fully. In contrast, engagement dialogues are conversations between investors and any level of the investee entity (including non-executive directors) that feature a two-way sharing of perspectives such that the investors express their position on key issues and highlight any concerns they may have.


1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年05月15日


为了理解为什么选项 C 错误,我们需要明确“监控”(Monitoring)和“参与”(Engagement)之间的区别。


  • 定义:监控是指投资者通过对话和信息收集,了解被投资公司的表现和业务机会。监控对话通常是单向的信息收集,目的是更好地了解公司的运作状况。
  • 目的:主要目的是获取关于公司绩效、业务机会和风险的信息。
  • 对话对象:通常是与公司的管理层进行对话。


  • 定义:参与是指投资者通过对话表达他们在关键问题上的立场和关切,并与被投资公司进行双向交流。参与对话是双向的,投资者不仅收集信息,还表达他们的立场和期望。
  • 目的:主要目的是影响和推动公司在环境、社会和治理(ESG)方面的改进,以及解决投资者关心的其他关键问题。
  • 对话对象:可以是公司管理层、非执行董事或其他公司领导层。


A. direct investees toward adopting improved ESG practices.

  • 不正确:这一选项描述的是参与(Engagement)的目的之一,通过参与对话,投资者可以引导被投资公司采纳改进的ESG实践。这超出了监控的范围。

B. understand performance and business opportunities for the investees.

  • 正确:这一选项描述的是监控的核心目的。投资者通过监控对话了解被投资公司的绩效和业务机会。这与监控的定义完全一致。

C. express their position on key issues and concerns related to the investees.

  • 不正确:这一选项描述的是参与(Engagement)的目的之一。表达投资者在关键问题上的立场和关切是双向交流的一部分,超出了单纯信息收集的监控范畴。


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NO.PZ2024010506000021 问题如下 Investors engage in monitoring their investees to: A.reinvestees towarapting improveESG practices. B.unrstanperformananbusiness opportunities for the investees. C.express their position on key issues anconcerns relateto the investees. B is correct. Accorng to the Investor Forum white paper, monitoring alogues are conversations between investors anmanagement to unrstanperformananopportunity more fully. In contrast, engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) thfeature a two-wsharing of perspectives suththe investors express their position on key issues anhighlight any concerns they mhave. 这题不是很理解,请说明下

2024-05-20 21:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010506000021问题如下 Investors engage in monitoring their investees to:A.reinvestees towarapting improveESG practices.B.unrstanperformananbusiness opportunities for the investees.C.express their position on key issues anconcerns relateto the investees.B is correct. Accorng to the Investor Forum white paper, monitoring alogues are conversations between investors anmanagement to unrstanperformananopportunity more fully. In contrast, engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) thfeature a two-wsharing of perspectives suththe investors express their position on key issues anhighlight any concerns they mhave.单向的,A为啥不对?

2024-04-17 11:48 1 · 回答