开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


白河叶之介 · 2024年05月14日




For an energy company, Scope 1 emissions most likely result from:


A.purchasing freight services.

B.using the company's vehicles.

C.disposing of waste at the company's gas stations.


B is correct because, for an energy company, the emissions generated from driving and using the company's vehicles are Scope 1 emissions as they are under the direct control of the company.According to GHG Protocol Standards, emissions related to company vehicles are Scope 1 emissions."While Scopes 1 and 2 cover direct emissions sources (such as the fuel used in company vehicles and purchased electricity), Scope 3 emissions cover all indirect emissions arising from the activities of an organisation."

A is incorrect because emissions arising from purchasing freight services are Scope 3 emissions for an energy company. An energy company relies on various services produced by third parties. These third parties generate GHG in their production and operating processes and these are Scope 1 GHG for the third parties. At the same time, they represent Scope 3 emissions for the energy company.

C is incorrect because emissions arising from waste disposal processes are Scope 3 emissions for an energy company. Managing waste disposal is not an energy company's main business, nor is waste used in its operations. Thus emissions from waste disposal represent Scope 3 emissions and are not under the company's direct control.


1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年05月15日




A. 购买货运服务。

B. 使用公司的车辆。

C. 在公司的加油站处理废物。



B 是正确的,因为对于一家能源公司来说,由驾驶和使用公司车辆产生的排放是范围1的排放,因为它们是由公司直接控制的。根据温室气体议定书标准, 与公司车辆相关的排放属于范围1排放。“范围1和范围2涵盖了直接排放源(如公司车辆使用的燃料和购买的电力),而范围3排放涵盖了组织活动产生的所有间接排放。”

A 是错误的,因为购买货运服务产生的排放对一家能源公司来说属于范围3排放。一家能源公司依赖于第三方提供的各种服务。这些第三方在其生产和运营过程中产生温室气体排放,这些排放对第三方来说是范围1排放。同时,这些排放对能源公司来说是范围3排放。

C 是错误的,因为废物处理过程中产生的排放对一家能源公司来说属于范围3排放。管理废物处理并不是能源公司的主要业务,废物也不是其运营中使用的。因此,废物处理产生的排放属于范围3排放,不在公司的直接控制之下。


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NO.PZ2022120703000024问题如下 For energy company, Scope 1 emissions most likely result from: A.purchasing freight services.B.using the company's vehicles.C.sposing of waste the company's gstations. B is correbecause, for energy company, the emissions generatefrom iving anusing the company's vehicles are Scope 1 emissions they are unr the recontrol of the company.Accorng to GHG Protocol Stanr, emissions relateto company vehicles are Scope 1 emissions.\"While Scopes 1 an2 cover reemissions sources (suthe fuel usein company vehicles anpurchaseelectricity), Scope 3 emissions cover all inreemissions arising from the activities of organisation.\"A is incorrebecause emissions arising from purchasing freight services are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. energy company relies on various services procethirparties. These thirparties generate GHG in their proction anoperating processes anthese are Scope 1 GHG for the thirparties. the same time, they represent Scope 3 emissions for the energy company.C is incorrebecause emissions arising from waste sposprocesses are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. Managing waste sposis not energy company's main business, nor is waste usein its operations. Thus emissions from waste sposrepresent Scope 3 emissions anare not unr the company's recontrol. 如果按照之前对这道题的,说C不知道是自己公司还是其他公司处理的,我是不是也可以对B这样理解公司使用的车是油车还是电车?电车的话是不是属于公司用电,那就是范围2了呀?而对于C来说,公司的gstation来处理这些垃圾,那这个gas不也属于燃料嘛?等于是公司直接使用燃料了呀!此外,如果按照另一个之前的说说公司的主营业务不是处理垃圾所以不选C,那还有题说公司厨房做饭的碳排放属于范围一,可是公司的主营业务也不是做饭呀!所以我觉得这个题还是有歧义,难以理解

2024-06-17 23:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000024问题如下 For energy company, Scope 1 emissions most likely result from: A.purchasing freight services.B.using the company's vehicles.C.sposing of waste the company's gstations. B is correbecause, for energy company, the emissions generatefrom iving anusing the company's vehicles are Scope 1 emissions they are unr the recontrol of the company.Accorng to GHG Protocol Stanr, emissions relateto company vehicles are Scope 1 emissions.\"While Scopes 1 an2 cover reemissions sources (suthe fuel usein company vehicles anpurchaseelectricity), Scope 3 emissions cover all inreemissions arising from the activities of organisation.\"A is incorrebecause emissions arising from purchasing freight services are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. energy company relies on various services procethirparties. These thirparties generate GHG in their proction anoperating processes anthese are Scope 1 GHG for the thirparties. the same time, they represent Scope 3 emissions for the energy company.C is incorrebecause emissions arising from waste sposprocesses are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. Managing waste sposis not energy company's main business, nor is waste usein its operations. Thus emissions from waste sposrepresent Scope 3 emissions anare not unr the company's recontrol. 不是能源企业的话,比如垃圾处理企业,C属于scope 1吗?

2024-04-09 08:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000024 问题如下 For energy company, Scope 1 emissions most likely result from: A.purchasing freight services. B.using the company's vehicles. C.sposing of waste the company's gstations. B is correbecause, for energy company, the emissions generatefrom iving anusing the company's vehicles are Scope 1 emissions they are unr the recontrol of the company.Accorng to GHG Protocol Stanr, emissions relateto company vehicles are Scope 1 emissions.\"While Scopes 1 an2 cover reemissions sources (suthe fuel usein company vehicles anpurchaseelectricity), Scope 3 emissions cover all inreemissions arising from the activities of organisation.\"A is incorrebecause emissions arising from purchasing freight services are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. energy company relies on various services procethirparties. These thirparties generate GHG in their proction anoperating processes anthese are Scope 1 GHG for the thirparties. the same time, they represent Scope 3 emissions for the energy company.C is incorrebecause emissions arising from waste sposprocesses are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. Managing waste sposis not energy company's main business, nor is waste usein its operations. Thus emissions from waste sposrepresent Scope 3 emissions anare not unr the company's recontrol. 解析说C is incorrebecause emissions arising from waste sposprocesses are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. Managing waste sposis not energy company's main business, nor is waste usein its operations. Thus emissions from waste sposrepresent Scope 3 emissions anare not unr the company's recontrol.所以,但waste 就是从公司的operation中产生的呀,为什么waste sposemission就不算unr recontrol 了?难道公司不是自己进行waste sposal么?

2024-03-26 22:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000024 问题如下 For energy company, Scope 1 emissions most likely result from: A.purchasing freight services. B.using the company's vehicles. C.sposing of waste the company's gstations. B is correbecause, for energy company, the emissions generatefrom iving anusing the company's vehicles are Scope 1 emissions they are unr the recontrol of the company.Accorng to GHG Protocol Stanr, emissions relateto company vehicles are Scope 1 emissions.\"While Scopes 1 an2 cover reemissions sources (suthe fuel usein company vehicles anpurchaseelectricity), Scope 3 emissions cover all inreemissions arising from the activities of organisation.\"A is incorrebecause emissions arising from purchasing freight services are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. energy company relies on various services procethirparties. These thirparties generate GHG in their proction anoperating processes anthese are Scope 1 GHG for the thirparties. the same time, they represent Scope 3 emissions for the energy company.C is incorrebecause emissions arising from waste sposprocesses are Scope 3 emissions for energy company. Managing waste sposis not energy company's main business, nor is waste usein its operations. Thus emissions from waste sposrepresent Scope 3 emissions anare not unr the company's recontrol. C为什么不能算Fugitive Emission?

2023-11-07 00:03 1 · 回答