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Yvette加油 · 2024年05月13日

portfolio overlay 求解释



Regulas Funds: Invests in a combination of global equity securities from 5–10 different countries. Portfolio weights are adjusted to take advantage of companies that appear to have the best near-term growth prospects.

Clickman asks Leeter how Regulas Funds determines its equity selections. Leeter says that Regulas uses monthly data from non-traditional, but measurable, sources to determine the influence of customer and government attitudes toward a firm and its products. Leeter also notes that Regulas compares its performance relative to an equity benchmark customized to its strategy and that the factors tend to be more volatile than traditional market factors. He also states that the fund does tend to suffer in performance when exchange rates are volatile.

Using Exhibit 1 and the equity selection process of Regulas Funds, the strategy will most likely benefit from:



a portfolio overlay


a new benchmark


using annual rebalancing


Regulas Funds will benefit from a portfolio overlay of derivative securities to eliminate exchange rate risk.

B is incorrect. Regulas uses a custom benchmark that is already appropriate for its strategy.

C is incorrect. Annual rebalancing is too infrequent given the volatile nature of the factors used by Regulas.


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年05月14日



portfolio overlay是指用衍生品来对冲portfolio面临的风险。


因此需要用外汇衍生品来对冲外汇风险,即portfolio overlay。

这是portfolio overlay里的一种,即currency overlay,意思是对冲外汇风险。



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NO.PZ2019012201000056 问题如下 RegulFun: Invests in a combination of globequity securities from 5–10 fferent countries. Portfolio weights are austeto take aantage of companies thappeto have the best near-term growth prospects.Clickmasks Leeter how RegulFun termines its equity selections. Leeter says thReguluses monthly ta from non-trational, but measurable, sources to termine the influenof customer angovernment attitus towara firm anits procts. Leeter also notes thRegulcompares its performanrelative to equity benchmark customizeto its strategy anththe factors tento more volatile thtrationmarket factors. He also states ththe funes tento suffer in performanwhen exchange rates are volatile.Using Exhibit 1 anthe equity selection process of RegulFun, the strategy will most likely benefit from: A.a portfolio overl B.a new benchmark C.using annurebalancing RegulFun willbenefit from a portfolio overlof rivative securities to eliminate exchangerate risk.B is incorrect.Reguluses a custom benchmark this alrea appropriate for its strategy.C is incorrect.Annurebalancing is too infrequent given the volatile nature of the factorsuseRegulas. PORTFOLIO OVERLAY知识点能再讲解下吗。包括哪些,都怎么描述的

2024-08-06 16:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000056 问题如下 RegulFun: Invests in a combination of globequity securities from 5–10 fferent countries. Portfolio weights are austeto take aantage of companies thappeto have the best near-term growth prospects.Clickmasks Leeter how RegulFun termines its equity selections. Leeter says thReguluses monthly ta from non-trational, but measurable, sources to termine the influenof customer angovernment attitus towara firm anits procts. Leeter also notes thRegulcompares its performanrelative to equity benchmark customizeto its strategy anththe factors tento more volatile thtrationmarket factors. He also states ththe funes tento suffer in performanwhen exchange rates are volatile.Using Exhibit 1 anthe equity selection process of RegulFun, the strategy will most likely benefit from: A.a portfolio overl B.a new benchmark C.using annurebalancing RegulFun willbenefit from a portfolio overlof rivative securities to eliminate exchangerate risk.B is incorrect.Reguluses a custom benchmark this alrea appropriate for its strategy.C is incorrect.Annurebalancing is too infrequent given the volatile nature of the factorsuseRegulas. 老师好,completion overlay, currenoverlay和rebalancing overlay是不是统称为portfolio overlay?这道题的答案如果更精确一点,就是选择currenoverlay,我的理解对吗?

2024-08-03 18:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000056 问题如下 RegulFun: Invests in a combination of globequity securities from 5–10 fferent countries. Portfolio weights are austeto take aantage of companies thappeto have the best near-term growth prospects.Clickmasks Leeter how RegulFun termines its equity selections. Leeter says thReguluses monthly ta from non-trational, but measurable, sources to termine the influenof customer angovernment attitus towara firm anits procts. Leeter also notes thRegulcompares its performanrelative to equity benchmark customizeto its strategy anththe factors tento more volatile thtrationmarket factors. He also states ththe funes tento suffer in performanwhen exchange rates are volatile.Using Exhibit 1 anthe equity selection process of RegulFun, the strategy will most likely benefit from: A.a portfolio overl B.a new benchmark C.using annurebalancing RegulFun willbenefit from a portfolio overlof rivative securities to eliminate exchangerate risk.B is incorrect.Reguluses a custom benchmark this alrea appropriate for its strategy.C is incorrect.Annurebalancing is too infrequent given the volatile nature of the factorsuseRegulas. 请

2024-01-16 15:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000056问题如下RegulFun: Invests in a combination of globequity securities from 5–10 fferent countries. Portfolio weights are austeto take aantage of companies thappeto have the best near-term growth prospects.Clickmasks Leeter how RegulFun termines its equity selections. Leeter says thReguluses monthly ta from non-trational, but measurable, sources to termine the influenof customer angovernment attitus towara firm anits procts. Leeter also notes thRegulcompares its performanrelative to equity benchmark customizeto its strategy anththe factors tento more volatile thtrationmarket factors. He also states ththe funes tento suffer in performanwhen exchange rates are volatile.Using Exhibit 1 anthe equity selection process of RegulFun, the strategy will most likely benefit from:A.a portfolio overlB.a new benchmark C.using annurebalancing RegulFun willbenefit from a portfolio overlof rivative securities to eliminate exchangerate risk.B is incorrect.Reguluses a custom benchmark this alrea appropriate for its strategy.C is incorrect.Annurebalancing is too infrequent given the volatile nature of the factorsuseRegulas. 这道题在问什么,没理解这道题的意义

2024-01-06 19:47 1 · 回答