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KathG · 2024年05月08日

required bank reserve vs bank reserve



QuestionIn an attempt to influence the economy, a central bank implemented open market operations involving the sale of government bonds. This action suggests that the central bank is most likely trying to achieve:



Contraction of the economy by reducing bank reserves.

B.Expansion of the economy through a lower policy interest rate. C.Contraction of the economy through a lower policy interest rate.



  1. Correct. By selling government bonds, the central bank decreases bank reserves, limiting their lending capacity. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in money supply through the multiplier effect and results in an economic contraction.
  2. Incorrect. Central bank selling of bonds is not aimed at expansion.
  3. Incorrect. Selling government bonds will reduce the money supply through its impact on bank reserves, leading to a higher, not lower, interest rate.

Monetary Policy

• describe tools used to implement monetary policy tools and the monetary transmission mechanism, and explain the relationships between monetary policy and economic growth, inflation, interest, and exchange rates


老师请问required bank reserve是法定准备金,没有加required就默认是商业准备金是这个意思吗?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年05月09日


老师请问required bank reserve是法定准备金,没有加required就默认是商业准备金是这个意思吗?



required bank reserve是法定准备金。没有required,则是商业银行准备金。正是这个意思。


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NO.PZ2023071902000028 问题如下 QuestionIn attempt to influenthe economy, a centrbank implementeopen market operations involving the sale of government bon. This action suggests ththe centrbank is most likely trying to achieve: A.Contraction of the economy recing bank reserves. B.Expansion of the economy through a lower poliinterest rate. C.Contraction of the economy through a lower poliinterest rate. SolutionCorrect. selling government bon, the centrbank creases bank reserves, limiting their lenng capacity. This, in turn, lea to a rection in money supply through the multiplier effeanresults in economic contraction.Incorrect. Centrbank selling of bon is not aimeexpansion.Incorrect. Selling government bon will rethe money supply through its impaon bank reserves, leang to a higher, not lower, interest rate.Monetary Policy• scritools useto implement monetary politools anthe monetary transmission mechanism, anexplain the relationships between monetary polianeconomic growth, inflation, interest, anexchange rates 卖出国债,收回钱,减少货币供给,导致利率上升。和银行的准备金率也没啥关系吧,感觉C更合适点?

2024-03-21 19:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000028 问题如下 QuestionIn attempt to influenthe economy, a centrbank implementeopen market operations involving the sale of government bon. This action suggests ththe centrbank is most likely trying to achieve: A.Contraction of the economy recing bank reserves. B.Expansion of the economy through a lower poliinterest rate. C.Contraction of the economy through a lower poliinterest rate. SolutionCorrect. selling government bon, the centrbank creases bank reserves, limiting their lenng capacity. This, in turn, lea to a rection in money supply through the multiplier effeanresults in economic contraction.Incorrect. Centrbank selling of bon is not aimeexpansion.Incorrect. Selling government bon will rethe money supply through its impaon bank reserves, leang to a higher, not lower, interest rate.Monetary Policy• scritools useto implement monetary politools anthe monetary transmission mechanism, anexplain the relationships between monetary polianeconomic growth, inflation, interest, anexchange rates 减少银行准备金,不是支持银行放贷吗?

2024-01-15 11:15 2 · 回答