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Diana · 2024年05月05日

为什么不选sharpe ratio最大的?



Finally, Mukilteo creates a model to simulate adding selected individual hedge fund strategies to the current portfolio with a 20% allocation. The IC’s primary considerations for a combined portfolio are (1) that the variance of the combined portfolio must be less than 90% of that of the current portfolio and (2) that the combined portfolio maximize the risk-adjusted return with the expectation of large negative events. Exhibit 1 provides historical performance and risk metrics for three simulated portfolios.

Based on the IC’s primary considerations for a combined portfolio, which simulated hedge fund strategy portfolio in Exhibit 1 creates the most suitable combined portfolio?


A.Merger arbitrage B.Systematic futures C.Equity market neutral


C is correct. The equity market-neutral strategy makes for a combined portfolio that has a standard deviation below the maximum specified and has the highest Sortino ratio.

The primary consideration is that the variance of the combined portfolio must be less than 90% of that of the current portfolio. Since variance is the square of standard deviation, the maximum variance allowed is

And standard deviation is the square root of variance, so the maximum standard deviation allowed is:

All three portfolios are below the maximum specified variance.

The next consideration is that the portfolio should maximize the risk-adjusted return with the expectation of large negative events. For hedge fund strategies with large negative events, the Sortino ratio is a more appropriate measure of risk-adjusted return than the Sharpe ratio. The Sharpe ratio measures risk-adjusted performance, where risk is defined as standard deviation, so it penalizes both upside and downside variability. The Sortino ratio measures risk-adjusted performance, where risk is defined as downside deviation, so it penalizes only downside variability below a minimum target return. Of the portfolios that meet the variance requirement, the one with the highest Sortino ratio is the portfolio with the equity market-neutral allocation, with a Sortino ratio of 1.80. Therefore, the portfolio with the equity market-neutral allocation is the most suitable portfolio for the considerations specified by the IC.

A is incorrect because the portfolio with an allocation to the merger arbitrage hedge fund strategy, while meeting the variance requirement, has a lower Sortino ratio (1.35) than the portfolio with an allocation to the equity market-neutral hedge fund strategy (1.80). Although the portfolio with the merger arbitrage allocation has the lowest value of maximum drawdown (5.60), the relevant measure of downside risk is the Sortino ratio. As a result, the portfolio with the equity market-neutral allocation is the most suitable portfolio given the considerations specified by the IC.

B is incorrect because the portfolio with an allocation to the systematic futures hedge fund strategy, while meeting the variance requirement, has a lower Sortino ratio (1.68) than the portfolio with an allocation to the equity market-neutral hedge fund strategy. As a result, the portfolio with the equity market-neutral allocation is the most suitable portfolio given the considerations specified by the IC.

题目中要求 combined portfolio的方差必须比现在组合的方差的 90% 还要小,那么根据现在组合的方差情况计算出新加入的资产的标准差必须小于7.54,这一点所有的策略都符合。题目中还要求新的资产要最大化risk-adjusted return尤其是在市场下跌的时候,那么可以看到Equity market neutral策略的Sortino ratio是最大的,所以选C

为什么不选sharpe ratio最大的?

1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年05月07日


这道题目说的是他更关注的是在极端负面事件影响下的一个return,所以这里我们要用的就是Sortino Ratio,Sortino Ratio是一种用于评估投资组合绩效的指标,它是基于 Sharpe Ratio而来的一种改进指标。与 Sharpe Ratio 不同,Sortino Ratio 将下行风险作为标准差的一部分,而不是总体波动性,所以更能衡量large negative events情况下的return。


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NO.PZ2024020101000025问题如下 Finally, Mukilteo creates a mol to simulate aing selecteinvihee funstrategies to the current portfolio with a 20% allocation. The IC’s primary consirations for a combineportfolio are (1) ththe varianof the combineportfolio must less th90% of thof the current portfolio an(2) ththe combineportfolio maximize the risk-austereturn with the expectation of large negative events. Exhibit 1 provis historicperformananrisk metrifor three simulateportfolios.Baseon the IC’sprimary consirations for a combineportfolio, whisimulatehee funtrategy portfolio in Exhibit 1 creates the most suitable combineortfolio? A.Merger arbitrageB.Systematic futuresC.Equity market neutral C is correct. Theequity market-neutrstrategy makes for a combineportfolio thhastanrviation below the maximum specifieanhthe highest Sortinoratio.The primaryconsiration is ththe varianof the combineportfolio must less than90% of thof the current portfolio. Sinvarianis the square of stanreviation, the maximum varianalloweisAnstanrviation is thesquare root of variance, so the maximum stanrviation alloweisAll three portfolios are belowthe maximum specifievariance.The next consiration is thatthe portfolio shoulmaximize the risk-austereturn with the expectation oflarge negative events. For hee funstrategies with large negative events,the Sortino ratio is a more appropriate measure of risk-austereturn thanthe Sharpe ratio. The Sharpe ratio measures risk-austeperformance, whererisk is finestanrviation, so it penalizes both upsi anwnsivariability. The Sortino ratio measures risk-austeperformance, where riskis finewnsi viation, so it penalizes only wnsi variabilitybelow a minimum target return. Of the portfolios thmeet the variancerequirement, the one with the highest Sortino ratio is the portfolio with theequity market-neutrallocation, with a Sortino ratio of 1.80. Therefore, theportfolio with the equity market-neutrallocation is the most suitableportfolio for the consirations specifiethe IC.A is incorrebecause theportfolio with allocation to the merger arbitrage hee funstrategy, whilemeeting the varianrequirement, ha lower Sortino ratio (1.35) ththeportfolio with allocation to the equity market-neutrhee funstrategy(1.80). Although the portfolio with the merger arbitrage allocation hthelowest value of maximum awwn (5.60), the relevant measure of wnsi riskis the Sortino ratio. a result, the portfolio with the equity market-neutralallocation is the most suitable portfolio given the consirations specifiebythe IC.B is incorrebecause theportfolio with allocation to the systematic futures hee funstrategy,while meeting the varianrequirement, ha lower Sortino ratio (1.68) thanthe portfolio with allocation to the equity market-neutrhee funstrategy.a result, the portfolio with the equity market-neutrallocation is themost suitable portfolio given the consirations specifiethe I题目中要求 combineportfolio的方差必须比现在组合的方差的 90% 还要小,那么根据现在组合的方差情况计算出新加入的资产的标准差必须小于7.54,这一点所有的策略都符合。题目中还要求新的资产要最大化risk-austereturn尤其是在市场下跌的时候,那么可以看到Equitymarket neutral策略的Sortino ratio是最大的,所以选这边不考虑maximum awwn最大不合适吗?和之前有一题,最后筛选了一个没有硬伤的组合比较,选择标准都不太统一。

2024-08-22 22:59 1 · 回答