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Frances · 2024年05月04日




Jayson Kite, CFA, a seasoned analyst, is finalizing an investment analysis report on a maritime transport company. Having determined that the company's stock is a worthwhile investment, he plans to issue a 'buy' recommendation. In line with the compliance procedures, how should Kite distribute this recommendation?


A.Initially to the firm, followed by the clients. B.First to the clients, then to the firm. C.Concurrently to both the firm and its clients.


Option C is correct. According to Standard III (B), Fair Dealing, in the ethical practices of investment analysis, it is crucial to disseminate investment advice simultaneously to all relevant parties. This approach ensures equitable treatment of all recipients, including both the firm's internal stakeholders and its clients. Hence, the simultaneous communication of the 'buy' recommendation to both the firm and its clients is the recommended procedure for compliance and fair dealing.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年05月05日

这题确实可能在语言表述上存在一定的模糊性,但核心考点在于遵守公平交易原则(Fair Dealing)。在这种情况下,“firm”一词通常指的是投资分析师所在的公司或机构,而“clients”则指的是该公司的客户。

根据CFA协会的道德准则,特别是“公平交易”(Fair Dealing)原则,投资分析或建议应当同时、无差别地传达给所有相关方,以避免信息的不对称传播,确保市场的公平性和透明度。这里的“相关方”通常包括公司内部(如管理层、合规部门等)和外部的客户。

所以,在这道题目中,“firm”指的是Jayson Kite所在的公司或机构,而不是他的客户群中的某个公司。题目考察的是在确定了投资建议后,如何合规地将这个建议传播出去。正确的做法是同时向公司内外相关方传播,以遵循公平交易原则。
