To build the training set with
50 defined features, 300 randomly selected working-age clients will be asked a
set of open-ended questions by Lucia Fernandez, a market researcher. The
resulting answers will include demographic data, information about risk
preferences, and other retirement details. A Jubilación analyst will assign
each individual in the sample to one of the five portfolios. Martin initially
plans to perform machine learning analysis and use the model to assign new
clients to the appropriate portfolio based on their responses to the questions.
If Martin were to use a k-nearest neighbor model, the value for k would be closest to:
A is correct.
Martin wants to classify clients into five different clusters (five strategic
investment portfolios), according to the retirement portfolio that is most
suitable for their needs.
B is incorrect. 50
is the number of features in the dataset for each interview conducted. These
features will be used in the classification process to determine which
portfolio is most suitable.
C is incorrect. 300 is the number of interviews
conducted, not the number of clusters into which these 300 observations will be