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Sofia nice · 2024年04月28日

covered bond 是什么来着,啥性质,那里讲过的,找不到了



Empirical duration is likely the best measure of the impact of yield changes on portfolio value, especially under stressed market conditions, for a portfolio consisting of:



100% sovereign bonds of several AAA rated euro area issuers.


100% covered bonds of several AAA rated euro area corporate issuers.


25% AAA rated sovereign bonds, 25% AAA rated corporate bonds, and 50% high-yield (i.e., speculative-grade) corporate bonds, all from various euro area sovereign and corporate issuers.


C is correct. Empirical duration is the best measure—better than analytical duration—of the impact of yield changes on portfolio value, especially under stressed market conditions, for a portfolio consisting of a variety of different bonds from different issuers, such as the portfolio described in Answer C. In this portfolio, credit spread changes on the high-yield bonds may partly or fully offset yield changes on the AAA rated sovereign bonds and spread changes on
the AAA rated corporate bonds; this interaction is best captured using empirical duration. The portfolios described in Answers A and B consist of the same types of bonds from similar issuers—sovereign bonds from similar-rated sovereign issuers (A) and covered bonds from similar-rated corporate issuers (B)—so empirical and analytical durations should be roughly similar in each of these portfolios.

考点:Empirical duration

解析:对于一个由不同发行人发行的各种不同债券组成的投资组合,empirical duration为更好的度量。高收益债券的信用利差变化可能部分或全部抵消AAA级主权债券收益率的变化和信用利差的变化,故选项C正确。

covered bond 是什么来着,啥性质,找不到了

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年04月28日


covered bond在LM18中,专门一小节进行了讲解。对应基础班讲义P374-376

covered bond是一个有抵押物(Collateral)的Bond,所以当债券违约时,投资者可以追索抵押物,比如“给银行抵押的房子”是Covered bond的抵押品,债券违约时,投资者可以追索房子。所以这是一个有抵押品的债券(Secured bond)。一般Covered bond是银行发行,如果Covered bond违约,投资者还可以找向银行追索赔偿,这是Covered bond的特别之处:Covered bond有双层保障Dual protection,违约时,投资者即可以追索抵押物,也可以找银行赔偿。


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NO.PZ2016031001000171问题如下 Empiricration is likely the best measure of the impaof yielchanges on portfolio value, especially unr stressemarket contions, for a portfolio consisting of: A.100% sovereign bon of severArateeuro area issuers. B.100% coverebon of severArateeuro area corporate issuers.C.25% Aratesovereign bon, 25% Aratecorporate bon, an50% high-yiel(i.e., speculative-gra) corporate bon, all from various euro area sovereign ancorporate issuers. C is correct. Empiricration is the best measure—better thanalyticration—of the impaof yielchanges on portfolio value, especially unr stressemarket contions, for a portfolio consisting of a variety of fferent bon from fferent issuers, suthe portfolio scribein Answer In this portfolio, cret sprechanges on the high-yielbon mpartly or fully offset yielchanges on the Aratesovereign bon ansprechanges onthe Aratecorporate bon; this interaction is best captureusing empiricration. The portfolios scribein Answers A anB consist of the same types of bon from similissuers—sovereign bon from similar-ratesovereign issuers (ancoverebon from similar-ratecorporate issuers (B)—so empiricananalyticrations shoulroughly similin eaof these portfolios. 考点Empiricration解析对于一个由不同发行人发行的各种不同债券组成的投资组合,empiricration为更好的度量。高收益债券的信用利差变化可能部分或全部抵消AAA级主权债券收益率的变化和信用利差的变化,故C正确。 利差是什么?这个看了还是不知道啥意思

2024-07-28 13:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000171问题如下 Empiricration is likely the best measure of the impaof yielchanges on portfolio value, especially unr stressemarket contions, for a portfolio consisting of: A.100% sovereign bon of severArateeuro area issuers. B.100% coverebon of severArateeuro area corporate issuers.C.25% Aratesovereign bon, 25% Aratecorporate bon, an50% high-yiel(i.e., speculative-gra) corporate bon, all from various euro area sovereign ancorporate issuers. C is correct. Empiricration is the best measure—better thanalyticration—of the impaof yielchanges on portfolio value, especially unr stressemarket contions, for a portfolio consisting of a variety of fferent bon from fferent issuers, suthe portfolio scribein Answer In this portfolio, cret sprechanges on the high-yielbon mpartly or fully offset yielchanges on the Aratesovereign bon ansprechanges onthe Aratecorporate bon; this interaction is best captureusing empiricration. The portfolios scribein Answers A anB consist of the same types of bon from similissuers—sovereign bon from similar-ratesovereign issuers (ancoverebon from similar-ratecorporate issuers (B)—so empiricananalyticrations shoulroughly similin eaof these portfolios. 考点Empiricration解析对于一个由不同发行人发行的各种不同债券组成的投资组合,empiricration为更好的度量。高收益债券的信用利差变化可能部分或全部抵消AAA级主权债券收益率的变化和信用利差的变化,故C正确。 老师能再一下在承压市场环境下,投资级债券和HY债券之间的ration是如何抵消的吗?

2024-02-15 11:36 1 · 回答