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Carolyne · 2024年04月24日




Burr asks Madisox to outline an appropriate hedging strategy. Madisox replies that to be fully hedged, an option trader will need to consider how changes in the stock price relative to the option exercise price affect the value of the call options. To be fully hedged against a small change in the stock price, Madisox suggests that the proper strategy to construct the hedge is to use call option delta and add the call option gamma to arrive at the number of shares required.

Is Madisox’s suggested hedging strategy for Weehawkin options most likely correct?





No, he should only use delta.


No, he should subtract gamma.


Madisox’s statement is correct. To be fully hedged against a small change in the stock price, the proper strategy to construct the hedge is to use call option delta and add the call option gamma to arrive at the number of shares required. The number of shares required is 0.606, based on the option delta of 0.587 plus the option gamma of 0.019.

B is incorrect. To be fully hedged against a small change in the stock price, the proper strategy to construct the hedge is to use call option delta and add the call option gamma to arrive at the number of shares required.

C is incorrect. You need to add, not subtract, option gamma to the option delta.

小幅变动不是说只用delta 就可以了嘛

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年04月24日


这个题目是要求小幅变动的情况下要保证delta的完全对冲,但是由于gamma的存在,delta是不稳定的,所以要想严格的fully hedged,必须把gamma也加到delta里面。



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NO.PZ2023041003000058 问题如下 Burr asks Masox tooutline appropriate heing strategy. Masox replies thto fullyhee option trar will neeto consir how changes in the stopricerelative to the option exercise priaffethe value of the call options. Tofully heeagainst a small change in the stoprice, Masox suggestsththe proper strategy to construthe hee is to use call option lta an the call option gamma to arrive the number of shares requireIsMasox’s suggesteheing strategy for Weehawkin options most likely correct? A.Yes B.No, he shoulonly use lt C.No, he shoulsubtragamm Masox’s statementis correct. To fully heeagainst a small change in the stoprice, theproper strategy to construthe hee is to use call option lta ana thecall option gamma to arrive the number of shares require The number ofshares requireis 0.606, baseon the option lta of 0.587 plus the optiongamma of 0.019.B is incorrect. To befully heeagainst a small change in the stoprice, the proper strategy toconstruthe hee is to use call option lta ana the call option gamma toarrive the number of shares require C is incorrect. Youneeto a, not subtract, option gamma to the option lt 老师,您好!To fully heeagainst a small change in the stoprice, the proper strategy to construthe hee is to use call option lta ana the call option gamma to arrive the number of shares require 这句该怎么理解?The number of shares requireis 0.606, baseon the option lta of 0.587 plus the option gamma of 0.019.这里的数字是怎么得来的? 麻烦老师讲解一下,谢谢!

2023-08-16 18:00 2 · 回答