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徐威廉 · 2024年04月23日

Interest rate = Expected loss + Margin for profit and OpEx + Fun



A small bank sets the interest rates it charges on loans to its business clients at a level equal to the sum of the loans’ expected loss, the bank’s funding cost, and a margin for the bank’s profit and operating expenses. A risk analyst at the bank compiles the following information related to the loan portfolio:

Interest rate: 8.18%

Margin for profit and operating expense: 2.10%

Funding cost: 4.85%

Recovery rate: 45%

Given this information, what is the estimated average probability of default for the loans in the portfolio?


A.0.68% B.1.23% C.2.24% D.2.73%


Explanation: C is correct. The bank’s formula for setting the interest rate on loans is given as:

Interest rate = Expected loss + Margin for profit and OpEx + Funding cost

Using this formula and the information given:

Expected loss = 8.18% 2.10% 4.85% = 1.23%


Expected loss = Probability of default * Loss given default


Probability of default = 1.23% / (1 45%) = 2.2364%

A is incorrect. This multiplies the expected loss by the loss given default instead of dividing.

B is incorrect. This is the expected loss (Interest rate Margin for OpEx Funding cost).

D is incorrect. This divides the expected loss by the recovery rate instead of the loss given default.

Learning Objective: Define and calculate expected loss (EL).

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals, Valuation and Risk Models (New York, NY: Pearson, 2023). Chapter 6. Measuring Credit Risk [VRM–6]

Interest rate = Expected loss + Margin for profit and OpEx + Funding cost这公式哪来的?

1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年04月24日


the interest rates it charges on loans to its business clients at a level equal to the sum of the loans’ expected loss, the bank’s funding cost, and a margin for the bank’s profit and operating expenses. 



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