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Fate Chain · 2024年04月22日

【build up和capm对比】



The analyst decides to rely on the build-up method to estimate Firm X’s required return on equity. Which statement provides the most accurate reflection as to why this choice of method addresses the issue of the lack of public comparable companies from which to estimate beta?



The build-up method uses a standard equity-risk premium without adjusting it by a beta estimate


The build-up method assumes a beta of zero


The build-up method assumes a company-specific risk premium and this alleviates the need for a beta


A is Correct. The build-up method begins with the risk-free rate, then adds an equity risk premium without an adjustment for beta. This omission effectively assumes a beta of one. This approach differs from using the CAPM or expanded CAPM in which beta estimates are necessary.

B is incorrect because the build-up method assumes beta of one, not zero.

C is incorrect because the company-specific risk premium does not rely on comparable public companies and this premium is included in both the build-up and expanded CAPM methods


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月22日

同学你好,题目问以下哪个选项的说法是最准确的解释了为什么build up method可以解决一个由于缺少可比公开上市公司从而无法获得β的估计的问题

A说因为build -up method 直接用了一个标准化的risk premium 而不需要像普通的CAPM模型一样需要通过β来调整每个公司自己独特的equity risk premium——这就是为什么可以解决缺少β的原因啦,因为根本不需要估计β
