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游得过 · 2024年04月21日


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Using the crude oil futures prices in Exhibit 1, who would most likely account for the lowest roll return until March?


A.An airline hedging fuel costs B.The QA Energy Commodities Fund C.A crude oil producer hedging production


A Incorrect. The airline would be long crude oil futures by hedging potential rising fuel costs. A futures curve in backwardation would allow it to purchase successive futures contracts at lower prices, increasing roll yield.

B Incorrect. The Energy Commodities Fund would be long crude oil futures by being a long-only fund. A futures curve in backwardation would allow it to purchase successive futures contracts at lower prices, increasing roll yield.

C Correct. A crude oil producer would be short futures to hedge the risk of future falling prices. For example, falling prices would decrease future sales and income. Crude oil futures are in backwardation, causing successive futures contracts to be sold at lower prices and causing roll yield to be negative.

A 错误。通过对冲潜在上升的燃料成本,航空公司将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwardation状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。

B 错误。能源商品基金通过作为一个仅持多头的基金,将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwardation状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。

C 正确。原油生产商会持有期货空头头寸以对冲未来价格下跌的风险。例如,价格下跌将减少未来的销售和收入。原油期货处于backwardation状态,导致后续期货合约以较低价格被卖出,并导致滚动收益为负。(short 方的roll return)


1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年04月23日


这道题是我们协会的一道Practice题目,在表1中我们可以看到原油的期货价格是小于现货价格的,所以判断它是处于backwardation的一个状态,当然目前它的长期的futures价格和近月的futures价格是相等的,但总体来看有一个下降的趋势,所以判断是backwardation,只是相对于价格一直下跌的情况来看,它的backwardation状况并没有这么明显,这道题会有一点不严谨的地方,同学重点掌握这个思路即可,也就是判断long和short在contango和backwardation状态下的roll return正负问题。


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NO.PZ202403120100000104问题如下Using the cru oil futures prices in Exhibit 1, who woulmost likely account for the lowest roll return until March?A.airline heing fuel costsB.The QA Energy Commoties Fun.A cru oil procer heing proction A Incorrect. The airline woullong cru oil futures heing potentirising fuel costs. A futures curve in backwartion woulallow it to purchase successive futures contracts lower prices, increasing roll yiel B Incorrect. The Energy Commoties Funwoullong cru oil futures being a long-only fun A futures curve in backwartion woulallow it to purchase successive futures contracts lower prices, increasing roll yiel C Correct. A cru oil procer woulshort futures to hee the risk of future falling prices. For example, falling prices woulcrease future sales anincome. Cru oil futures are in backwartion, causing successive futures contracts to sollower prices ancausing roll yielto negative. A 错误。通过对冲潜在上升的燃料成本,航空公司将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwartion状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。B 错误。能源商品基金通过作为一个仅持多头的基金,将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwartion状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。 C 正确。原油生产商会持有期货空头头寸以对冲未来价格下跌的风险。例如,价格下跌将减少未来的销售和收入。原油期货处于backwartion状态,导致后续期货合约以较低价格被卖出,并导致滚动收益为负。(short 方的roll return) Backwartion 的roll return 不是为正的吗?能全面解析下三个?

2024-08-01 07:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202403120100000104问题如下Using the cru oil futures prices in Exhibit 1, who woulmost likely account for the lowest roll return until March?A.airline heing fuel costsB.The QA Energy Commoties Fun.A cru oil procer heing proction A Incorrect. The airline woullong cru oil futures heing potentirising fuel costs. A futures curve in backwartion woulallow it to purchase successive futures contracts lower prices, increasing roll yiel B Incorrect. The Energy Commoties Funwoullong cru oil futures being a long-only fun A futures curve in backwartion woulallow it to purchase successive futures contracts lower prices, increasing roll yiel C Correct. A cru oil procer woulshort futures to hee the risk of future falling prices. For example, falling prices woulcrease future sales anincome. Cru oil futures are in backwartion, causing successive futures contracts to sollower prices ancausing roll yielto negative. A 错误。通过对冲潜在上升的燃料成本,航空公司将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwartion状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。B 错误。能源商品基金通过作为一个仅持多头的基金,将持有原油期货多头头寸。backwartion状态的期货曲线将允许其以较低价格购买后续期货合约,增加滚动收益。 C 正确。原油生产商会持有期货空头头寸以对冲未来价格下跌的风险。例如,价格下跌将减少未来的销售和收入。原油期货处于backwartion状态,导致后续期货合约以较低价格被卖出,并导致滚动收益为负。(short 方的roll return) long方如何以高价卖出呢 backwartion 不是说未来价格下降吗

2024-04-10 16:07 1 · 回答