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白泽 · 2024年04月21日




Zhong asks, “Except using spot rate, are there other ways to calculate the arbitrage-free value of a bond?” Goll responds, “Yes, the arbitrage-free value of a bond can also be calculated using a binomial interest rate tree, where the interest rate tree provides a representation of how one-year forward rates evolve based on an interest rate model that identifies factors with predictable paths, an interest rate volatility assumption, and where forward rates on the tree are consistent with the current benchmark yield curve.”

Goll’s response to Zhong’s question is least likely correct with respect to:



the interest model.


interest rate volatility.


the benchmark yield curve.


Correct Answer: A

Goll’s response to Zhong is incorrect with respect to the interest rate model. Goll states that the factors in the interest rate model must have predictable paths, which is incorrect. The factors that explain the dynamics of interest rates are random or stochastic. Goll is correct regarding the assumption of interest rate volatility and the current benchmark yield curve.

Zhong asks, “Except using spot rate, are there other ways to calculate the arbitrage-free value of a bond?” Goll responds, “Yes, the arbitrage-free value of a bond can also be calculated using a binomial interest rate tree, where the interest rate tree provides a representation of how one-year forward rates evolve based on an interest rate model that identifies factors with predictable paths, an interest rate volatility assumption, and where forward rates on the tree are consistent with the current benchmark yield curve.”

Goll’s response to Zhong’s question is least likely correct with respect to:

您的回答C, 正确答案是: A


the interest model.


interest rate volatility.


不正确the benchmark yield curve.

C也错吧?forward rate on the tree 也不一定等于current benchmark yield。有那么多path,树有那么多branch,benchmark yield 只有一条,怎么可能相等?

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年04月21日

同学你好,C不能算错,整个forward rate on the tree的期望是等于 benchmark yield的

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NO.PZ2023040701000050 问题如下 Zhong asks, “Except using spot rate, are there other ways to calculate the arbitrage-free value of a bon” Goll respon, “Yes, the arbitrage-free value of a boncalso calculateusing a binomiinterest rate tree, where the interest rate tree provis a representation of how one-yeforwarrates evolve baseon interest rate mol thintifies factors with prectable paths, interest rate volatility assumption, anwhere forwarrates on the tree are consistent with the current benchmark yielcurve.”Goll’s response to Zhong’s question is least likely correwith respeto: A.the interest mol. B.interest rate volatility. C.the benchmark yielcurve. CorreAnswer: AGoll’s response to Zhong is incorrewith respeto the interest rate mol. Goll states ththe factors in the interest rate mol must have prectable paths, whiis incorrect. The factors thexplain the namiof interest rates are ranm or stochastiGoll is correregarng the assumption of interest rate volatility anthe current benchmark yielcurve. A,利率路径为啥不是prectable?任何分叉路,上涨利率和下跌利率差距为e^(2σ),i(H)=i(L)*e^(2σ),同时mile forwarrate = implieone perioforwarrate只要知道i0,就能把后面的利率二叉树全给预测出来C只有mile forwarrate和当前的benchmark yielcurve一致,题干说所有的mile forwarrate和当前的benchmark yielcurve一致这明显是错的吧

2024-05-11 16:26 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040701000050问题如下 Zhong asks, “Except using spot rate, are there other ways to calculate the arbitrage-free value of a bon” Goll respon, “Yes, the arbitrage-free value of a boncalso calculateusing a binomiinterest rate tree, where the interest rate tree provis a representation of how one-yeforwarrates evolve baseon interest rate mol thintifies factors with prectable paths, interest rate volatility assumption, anwhere forwarrates on the tree are consistent with the current benchmark yielcurve.”Goll’s response to Zhong’s question is least likely correwith respeto: A.the interest mol.B.interest rate volatility.C.the benchmark yielcurve. CorreAnswer: AGoll’s response to Zhong is incorrewith respeto the interest rate mol. Goll states ththe factors in the interest rate mol must have prectable paths, whiis incorrect. The factors thexplain the namiof interest rates are ranm or stochastiGoll is correregarng the assumption of interest rate volatility anthe current benchmark yielcurve. 什么意思?这是哪个知识点?请用中文说一下。

2023-09-30 22:20 2 · 回答