Which of the following best represents the chronological order for ESG scorecard development?
Step 1: Determine a scoring system based on what good or best practice looks like for each indicator or issue.Step 2: Assess a company and give it a score.
Step 3: Identify sector or company specific ESG items.
Step 4: Benchmark the company’s performance against industry averages or peer group.
Step 5: Calculate aggregated scores at issue level, dimension level, or total score level.
Step 6: Breakdown issues into a number of indicators.
Step 1: Determine a scoring system based on what good or best practice looks like for each indicator or issue.Step 2: Breakdown issues into a number of indicators.
Step 3: Assess a company and give it a score.
Step 4: Identify sector or company specific ESG items.
Step 5: Calculate aggregated scores at issue level, dimension level, or total score level.
Step 6: Benchmark the company’s performance against industry averages or peer group.
Step 1: Identify sector or company specific ESG items.Step 2: Breakdown issues into a number of indicators.
Step 3: Determine a scoring system based on what good or best practice looks like for each indicator or issue.
Step 4: Assess a company and give it a score.
Step 5: Calculate aggregated scores at issue level, dimension level, or total score level.
Step 6: Benchmark the company’s performance against industry averages or peer group.
Step 1: Identify sector or company specific ESG items.Step 2: Assess a company and give it a score.
Step 3: Breakdown issues into a number of indicators.
Step 4: Determine a scoring system based on what good or best practice looks like for each indicator or issue.
Step 5: Calculate aggregated scores at issue level, dimension level or total score level.
Step 6: Benchmark the company’s performance against industry averages or peer group.