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周梅 · 2024年04月21日


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Which of McGuinn’s recommendations is least appropriate to implement as per recommended procedures for compliance of Standard II(A)–Material Nonpublic Information?


A.Recommendation 1 B.Recommendation 2 C.Recommendation 3


  1. Correct. When a firm acts as a market maker, a prohibition on proprietary trading may be counterproductive to the goals of maintaining the confidentiality of information and market liquidity, as outlined in Standard II(A)–Material Nonpublic Information. In some cases, a withdrawal by the firm from market-making activities would be a clear tip to outsiders. Firms that continue market-making activity while in the possession of material nonpublic information should, however, instruct their market makers to remain passive to the market (i.e., take only the opposing side of unsolicited customer trades).

  2. Incorrect because regularly reviewing employee and proprietary trading is one recommendation to assess whether trades are being done on the basis of nonpublic material information.

  3. Incorrect because requiring all employees to attend an annual refresher course in how to identify and handle material nonpublic information is a recommendation that helps to increase awareness of insider information issues. With increased awareness, the likelihood of a violation decreases.

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月23日

这个问题是关于评估McGuinn的三个建议中哪一个最不适合作为遵守“重大非公开信息标准II(A)”的recommended procedure。我们来逐一分析这三个建议:

A. Recommendation 1:建议在掌握重大非公开信息时停止做市活动。

这个建议被认为是最不合适的。原因是,当做市商在维护信息保密性和市场流动性的目标时,禁止自营交易可能会对这些目标产生反作用。在某些情况下,公司退出做市活动会向外界发出一个明确的信号。然而,如果公司在掌握重大非公开信息的同时继续进行做市活动,应指示其做市商保持对市场的被动态度(即,只接受客户主动交易的对方交易)。因此,完全停止做市活动可能不是一个实际可行的解决方案,而且可能会对市场产生不利影响,这违反了Standard II(A)的目标。

B. Recommendation 2:建议定期审查员工和自营交易。

这个建议是合适的,因为定期审查员工和自营交易是评估交易是否基于非公开重大信息进行的一种方式。这有助于确保公司遵守Standard II(A)的规定,即通过审查来防止利用非公开信息进行交易。

C. Recommendation 3:建议要求所有员工参加关于如何识别和处理重大非公开信息的年度进修课程。

这个建议也是合适的,因为它有助于提高员工对内幕信息问题的认识。通过提高认识,可以减少违规行为的可能性,从而符合Standard II(A)的要求。

综上所述,Recommendation 1(在掌握重大非公开信息时停止做市活动)被认为是最不适合作为遵守Standard II(A)的推荐程序,因为它可能会对市场的流动性和信息保密性产生不利影响。

因此,正确答案是A. Recommendation 1。

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