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周梅 · 2024年04月21日


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Which CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct did Fitzgerald most likely violate during his lunch with the CEO following the asset sale?


A.Standard I: Professionalism and Standard III: Duties to Clients B.Standard I: Professionalism and Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets C.Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets and Standard III: Duties to Clients


  1. Correct. Fitzgerald has most likely violated Standard I: Professionalism and Standard III: Duties to Clients by asking whether his best friend could use the HorizonGale CEO’s personal home in Paris for his honeymoon. More specifically, he has most likely violated Standard I(B): Independence and Objectivity, which requires that members and candidates not offer, solicit, or accept any gift, benefit, compensation, or consideration that reasonably could be expected to compromise their own or another’s independence and objectivity. He has also most likely violated Standard III: Duties to Clients—more specifically Standard III(A): Loyalty, Prudence, and Care, which requires that members and candidates act for the benefit of their clients’ interests before their employer’s or their own interest. Soliciting the use of the CEO’s home even though it is for his friend could compromise Fitzgerald’s independence and objectivity as well as his loyalty to his clients.

  2. Incorrect. Fitzgerald has most likely violated Standard I: Professionalism, but he has not violated Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. There is no evidence Fitzgerald violated Standard II(A): Material Nonpublic Information or Standard II(B): Market Manipulation.

  3. Incorrect. Fitzgerald has most likely violated Standard III: Duties to Clients, but he has not violated Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. There is no evidence Fitzgerald violated Standard II(A): Material Nonpublic Information or Standard II(B): Market Manipulation.

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月22日



Standard I: Professionalism

  • Standard I(B): 独立性和客观性要求成员不得提供、索取或接受任何可能影响其自身或他人独立性和客观性的礼物、利益、报酬或考虑。Fitzgerald向CEO提出私人请求,这可能影响他的独立性和客观性,因为他在未来的分析中可能会受到这种私人关系的影响。

Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets

  • 这一部分主要关注重大非公开信息和市场操纵。没有证据表明Fitzgerald违反了这一部分的准则,因为他并没有涉及到泄露重大非公开信息或操纵市场的行为。

Standard III: Duties to Clients

  • Standard III(A): 忠诚、谨慎和关心要求成员在为客户服务时,应将客户的利益置于雇主或自己的利益之前。Fitzgerald的行为可能损害了他对客户的忠诚度,因为他为了个人利益(帮助朋友)而向一个与他有业务关系的人提出私人请求。


  • Fitzgerald最可能违反的是Standard I:中的独立性和客观性要求,以及Standard III中的忠诚、谨慎和关心要求。他的行为可能损害了他的独立性和对客户的忠诚度。

因此,正确答案是A:Standard I: Professionalism和Standard III: Duties to Clients。这个答案涵盖了Fitzgerald可能违反的两个主要准则部分。

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