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谢雯 · 2024年04月20日




Which of the following high-net-worth investor groups are most likely to review the ESG impact of their investment holdings?


A.Retired investors

B.Millennial investors

C.Generation X investors


B is correct because a "2017 study of high-net-worth investors stated that 90% of millennials want to direct their allocations to responsible investments in the next five years ... Another study found that 75% of individual investors in the USA were interested in sustainable investment; the percentage of millennials was higher, at 86% Younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impact of their investment holdings, including 88% of millennials and 70% of Generation X."

A is incorrect because "younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impact of their investment holdings, including 88% of millennials and 70% of Generation X."

C is incorrect because a "younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impact of their investment holdings, including 88% of millennials and 70% of Generation X."


1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年04月21日


“X代”通常指的是“Generation X”,这是一个人口学术语,用来描述出生在大约1965年到1980年之间的一代人。这一代人在婴儿潮一代(大约1946年到1964年出生的人)和千禧一代(大约1981年到1996年出生的人)之间。X代的特点通常包括:

  • 经历了重大的社会变革和技术创新,如互联网的普及。
  • 在职业和生活方式上,他们倾向于追求平衡,并且比前一代更重视家庭生活。
  • 通常被视为“桥梁”一代,连接着更传统的婴儿潮一代和更技术化、社交化的千禧一代。



  • 1

  • 0

  • 267


NO.PZ2022120703000010问题如下 Whiof the following high-net-worth investor groups are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs? A.RetireinvestorsB.MillenniinvestorsC.Generation X investors B is correbecause a \"2017 stu of high-net-worth investors stateth90% of millennials want to retheir allocations to responsible investments in the next five years ... Another stu founth75% of inviinvestors in the USA were interestein sustainable investment; the percentage of millennials whigher, 86% Younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\"A is incorrebecause \"younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\"C is incorrebecause a \"younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\" 请辛苦翻译下这道题

2024-07-30 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000010问题如下 Whiof the following high-net-worth investor groups are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs? A.RetireinvestorsB.MillenniinvestorsC.Generation X investors B is correbecause a \"2017 stu of high-net-worth investors stateth90% of millennials want to retheir allocations to responsible investments in the next five years ... Another stu founth75% of inviinvestors in the USA were interestein sustainable investment; the percentage of millennials whigher, 86% Younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\"A is incorrebecause \"younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\"C is incorrebecause a \"younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X.\" 是否可以得出以下结论Youngers are most likely to review ESG factors thretirepeople?

2023-06-13 09:58 1 · 回答