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Cooljas · 2024年04月19日




The investment committee of a large pension fund is evaluating a range of investment options using the mean-variance framework. The committee assumes that the fund can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate and wants to invest only in portfolios that are represented by points on the efficient frontier.

If there are only two investable risky assets, A and B, and the market is in equilibrium, which of the following statements would be correct about the committee’s target portfolio according to the mean-variance framework?


A.If the committee’s aversion to risk changes, the proportion of asset A to asset B held in the fund’s target portfolio will change. B.The proportion of asset A to asset B held in the target portfolio will be constant and in proportion to the assets’ respective share of all investable assets. C.The proportion of asset A to asset B held in the target portfolio will be constant and in proportion to the assets’ relative risk contributions to the total market risk. D.The proportion of asset A to asset B held in the target portfolio will be constant and a function of the assets’ respective expected returns.


B is correct. Within the mean-variance framework, the point M is the market portfolio – consisting of all investments in the market with the proportional amount of any investment in the portfolio being the same as the proportion of all available investments that it represents. If an asset is under(over)-represented by this criterion, the market price will fall(rise) until the criterion is satisfied.

A is incorrect. If the market is in equilibrium, all investors should choose to invest in the same portfolio of risky assets, represented by point M. They should then reflect their risk appetite by borrowing or lending at the risk-free rate.

C and D are incorrect. The proportion of A and B reflects the proportion of the assets’ share of all available investments.

1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年04月20日


点M代表的是市场组合Market Portfolio。市场组合理论上包含了所有可投资资产,按其市值占市场总市值的比重进行加权。市场组合是所有风险资产组合中效率最高的,因为它提供了最大化的预期回报,同时分散了非系统性风险。



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NO.PZ2023091701000082问题如下 The investment committee ofa large pension funis evaluating a range of investment options using the mean-varianceframework. The committee assumes ththe funborrow anlenthe risk-free rate anwants to invest only inportfolios thare representepoints on the efficient frontier.Ifthere are only two investable risky assets, A ananthe market is inequilibrium, whiof the following statements woulcorreabout thecommittee’s target portfolio accorng to the mean-varianframework? A.If the committee’s aversion to risk changes, theproportion of asset A to asset B helin the funs target portfolio willchange.B.The proportion of asset A to asset B helin thetarget portfolio will constant anin proportion to the assets’ respectiveshare of all investable assets.C.The proportion of asset A to asset B helin thetarget portfolio will constant anin proportion to the assets’ relativerisk contributions to the totmarket risk.The proportion of asset A toasset B helin the target portfolio will constant ana function of theassets’ respective expectereturns. B is correct. Withinthe mean-varianframework, the point M is the market portfolio – consistingof all investments in the market with the proportionamount of any investmentin the portfolio being the same the proportion of all available investmentsthit represents. If asset is unr(over)-representethis criterion,the market priwill fall(rise) until the criterion is satisfieA is incorrect. Ifthe market is in equilibrium, all investors shoulchoose to invest in the sameportfolio of risky assets, representepoint M. They shoulthen reflecttheir risk appetite borrowing or lenng the risk-free rate.C anareincorrect. The proportion of A anB reflects the proportion of the assets’share of all available investments. 老师,在讲解这道题的时候有几个地方不太明白1、M点里面是指曲线下方的斜线部分?就是黄色荧光笔部分?只有红色曲线是有效前沿吧?黄色部分不是资产最优组合吧,因为同样的风险,收益没有达到最大比如C点。2、红线和黄色区域都是AB权重不变?AB权重以市值占比为准?3、M下方的点和上方的点是风险厌恶还是喜欢风险,是看效用曲线吧?4、M下方投资了rf,咋看出是len5、这道题和mevariance有啥关系啊

2024-09-03 22:33 2 · 回答