According to the UK Investor Forum, engagement is a:选项:
A.systematic inclusion of material ESG factors into investment analysis.
B.purposeful dialogue with a specific and targeted objective to achieve change.
C.dialogue for investment purposes to understand the company, its stakeholders and performance.
A. Incorrect because the answer is the PRI definition of ESG integration. PRI defines ESG integration as: The systematic and explicit inclusion of material ESG factors into investment analysis and investment decisions.
B. Correct because according to the Investor Forum's white paper Defining stewardship and engagement, engagement is defined as the purposeful dialogue with a specific and targeted objective to achieve change.
C. Incorrect because "engagement dialogues" are conversations between investors and any level of the investee entity (including non-executive directors) featuring a two-way sharing of perspectives. In contrast, "monitoring dialogues" are the conversations between investors and management to more fully understand performance and opportunity, which are typified by detailed questions from the investor and which are likely to inform buy, sell or hold investment decisions.