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WINWIN8 · 2018年07月24日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015120604000016 [ CFA I ]








这道题的题干里描述说“ invests $180000 today" 那也就是t=0时刻就投了钱,那为什么这道题还是用后付年金而不是先付年金的方式来算呢?  同样的,NO.PZ2017092702000008 这这一道题里题干描述也说到了“ with the first payment occurring today" 这一道题就是用的先付年金的方式来算。 两道题一对比就有点懵了,望解答

1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年07月25日

同学你好,这两题是不一样的。008那道题里面“ with the first payment occurring today"的这个payment是PMT,是未来固定的时间内定期要支付的一个金额,而这个年金是在每期的期初发生的,所以要用先付年金的方法。但这道题讲的是在今天投资18万,而不是说在未来固定的时间里定期的支付18万,所以这个18万就是PV,而不是PMT。这个先付年金和后付年金是取决于PMT所支付的时间。


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NO.PZ2015120604000016问题如下investor invests $180,000 toy . Assume the interest rate is 10% anthe investment ccoumpounily. after 2 years, the value of the investment will :A.$217,800.B.$198,928.C.$219,846.C is correct.N = 2 × 365 ;I/Y = 10 / 365 ;PMT = 0;PV = -180,000;CPT FV = $219,846.47要保持I/Y, N, PMT一致,为什么不能用 n=2, I/Y=10, PMT=0算呢?

2023-07-22 14:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000016 问题如下 investor invests $180,000 toy . Assume the interest rate is 10% anthe investment ccoumpounily. after 2 years, the value of the investment will : A.$217,800. B.$198,928. C.$219,846. C is correct.N = 2 × 365 ;I/Y = 10 / 365 ;PMT = 0;PV = -180,000;CPT FV = $219,846.47 18000*(1+10%/365)365*2方法求可以吗

2023-02-05 15:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000016 问题如下 investor invests $180,000 toy . Assume the interest rate is 10% anthe investment ccoumpounily. after 2 years, the value of the investment will : A.$217,800. B.$198,928. C.$219,846. C is correct.N = 2 × 365 ;I/Y = 10 / 365 ;PMT = 0;PV = -180,000;CPT FV = $219,846.47 先求出EAR=10.52%,然后根据N=2,I/Y=10.52,PV = -180,000;PMT=0,FV=219.864 与答案少许有出入

2023-02-03 06:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000016问题如下investor invests $180,000 toy . Assume the interest rate is 10% anthe investment ccoumpounily. after 2 years, the value of the investment will :A.$217,800.B.$198,928.C.$219,846.C is correct.N = 2 × 365 ;I/Y = 10 / 365 ;PMT = 0;PV = -180,000;CPT FV = $219,846.47这道题目我用EA R算的答案是一样的,所以这类题目都可以用EAR算了再复利对吗?

2023-01-09 21:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000016 问题如下 investor invests $180,000 toy . Assume the interest rate is 10% anthe investment ccoumpounily. after 2 years, the value of the investment will : A.$217,800. B.$198,928. C.$219,846. C is correct.N = 2 × 365 ;I/Y = 10 / 365 ;PMT = 0;PV = -180,000;CPT FV = $219,846.47 180000 investeTOAY, 为什么不用考虑BGN呢?

2022-11-08 23:29 1 · 回答