【Gondos题】答案中的第三点说"the gifts further reduce any future estate taxes for Gondos",讲到这时李老师说:这是个套路,但凡活着的时候给,死的时候就少交税。
课上和讲义上有讲过这个结论吗?能否指出在哪呢?我记得教材只是让我们分开比较gift和estate哪个方式更节税,让我们计算relative value,并没有把gift和estate混为一谈。
【Bert题】答案中第二点说“the payment of insurance premiums would serve to reduce the value of the estate” ,讲到这时李老师说:这是个套路,但凡是能让我现在钱变少的都有个好处,就是能让我estate变少,这是保险的作用。
我记得课上没说到交保费可以reduce the value of estate,只说保险的好处有以下四个:
- produce tax and estate planning benefits.
- 在许多地区 death benefit proceeds are tax exempt.
- premiums 不是part of policyholder's taxable estate at the time of death,也不是subject to a gratuitous transfer tax.
- can be paired with trust structures to transfer assets to the beneficiaries outside of the probate process. 只有遗嘱才要probate。
这些结论不知道是不是老教材的还是怎么样,学起来好困惑😭 谢谢助教!