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Helen Tam · 2024年04月16日

請問discount rate 的意思?



ESG data across companies are difficult to compare due to:


A.high correlation among third-party ESG ratings.

B.varying cultural norms and expectations by geography.

C.the creation of ESG reporting frameworks and disclosure standards analogous to IFRS and US GAAP in financial reporting.


A. Incorrect because comparability difficulties extend beyond companies employing different reporting frameworks to low correlation among third-party ESG ratings and varying cultural norms and expectations by geography.

B. Correct because comparability difficulties extend beyond companies employing different reporting frameworks to low correlation among third-party ESG ratings and varying cultural norms and expectations by geography.

C. Incorrect because there are efforts regionally and globally to create ESG reporting frameworks and disclosure standards analogous to IFRS and US GAAP in financial reporting, notably by EFRAG in the European Union and the ISSB globally. Thus, efforts are underway to harmonize reporting frameworks and for ESG information to be audited, which should make it easier to compare ESG data across companies.

請問discounts rate 低,是否表示ESG風險低 ?

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年04月17日



折现率站在发行人(企业/融资者)的角度来讲,就是cost of capital 资本成本,如果企业风险越高,企业想要获得融资的成本越高。
