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明媚的梦想 · 2024年04月07日

HF- conditional factor risk model



Bourne said that the risk control director of Fund A used a linear factor model to understand risk exposure in the process of constructing and monitoring Fund A's strategy. Bourne constructed a model using the following macro-risk factors such as stock risk, interest rate risk, commodity risk, credit risk, and volatility risk. When explaining the model to peers, Bourne stated that the portion of hedge fund returns that were not explained by these risk factors can be attributed to manager alpha or random errors. There is a high correlation between credit risk and volatility risk factors. In order to solve the multicollinearity problem, Bourne excluded the factor of volatility risk, as the model has a higher R2 when credit risk is included instead of volatility risk.

Is Bourne's construction and conclusion of a linear factor model most likely correct?



Yes, he is correct.


No, he is incorrect with regard to attributing unexplained returns.


No, he is incorrect with regard to dropping volatility as a risk factor.


B is correct. Bourne concludes that unexplained returns can be attributed to alpha or random errors, and neglects to recognize that omitted risk factors can also lead to unexplained returns. For example, other risk factors such as currency are not included in the model, which may help explain returns and further increase R2.

A is incorrect. Bourne's conclusion about unexplained returns is incorrect.

C is incorrect. Due to the multicollinearity problem, Bourne correctly reduced the volatility risk factor and included credit risk, resulting in a higher R2 of the model.




conditional factor risk model的公式中,alpha没有被解释吗?当所有F=0,不承担任何风险的时候,公式里仅剩的α不是就投资经理的超额回报吗?

1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年04月08日




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NO.PZ2022062601000015 问题如下 Bourne saiththe risk control rector of FunA usea linefactor mol to unrstanrisk exposure in the process of constructing anmonitoring FunA's strategy. Bourne constructea mol using the following macro-risk factors sustorisk, interest rate risk, commoty risk, cret risk, anvolatility risk. When explaining the mol to peers, Bourne stateththe portion of hee funreturns thwere not explainethese risk factors cattributeto manager alpha or ranm errors. There is a high correlation between cret risk anvolatility risk factors. In orr to solve the multicollinearity problem, Bourne excluthe factor of volatility risk, the mol ha higher R2 when cret risk is incluinsteof volatility risk.Is Bourne's construction anconclusion of a linefactor mol most likely correct? A.Yes, he is correct. B.No, he is incorrewith regarto attributing unexplainereturns. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto opping volatility a risk factor. B is correct. Bourne conclus thunexplainereturns cattributeto alpha or ranm errors, anneglects to recognize thomitterisk factors calso leto unexplainereturns. For example, other risk factors sucurrenare not incluin the mol, whimhelp explain returns anfurther increase R2.A is incorrect. Bourne's conclusion about unexplainereturns is incorrect.C is incorrect. e to the multicollinearity problem, Bourne correctly recethe volatility risk factor aninclucret risk, resulting in a higher R2 of the mol.B是正确的。Bourne得出结论,无法的回报可归因于阿尔法或随机误差,并忽略了omitte风险因素也会导致无法的收益。例如,其他风险因素,如货币,不包括在该模型中,这可能有助于回报并进一步增加R2。A不正确。Bourne关于无法的回报的结论是错误的。C不正确。由于多重共线性问题,Bourne正确地降低了波动性风险因子,并且包括信用风险导致模型的R2更高。 如题,谢谢

2024-04-17 14:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022062601000015 问题如下 Bourne saiththe risk control rector of FunA usea linefactor mol to unrstanrisk exposure in the process of constructing anmonitoring FunA's strategy. Bourne constructea mol using the following macro-risk factors sustorisk, interest rate risk, commoty risk, cret risk, anvolatility risk. When explaining the mol to peers, Bourne stateththe portion of hee funreturns thwere not explainethese risk factors cattributeto manager alpha or ranm errors. There is a high correlation between cret risk anvolatility risk factors. In orr to solve the multicollinearity problem, Bourne excluthe factor of volatility risk, the mol ha higher R2 when cret risk is incluinsteof volatility risk.Is Bourne's construction anconclusion of a linefactor mol most likely correct? A.Yes, he is correct. B.No, he is incorrewith regarto attributing unexplainereturns. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto opping volatility a risk factor. B is correct. Bourne conclus thunexplainereturns cattributeto alpha or ranm errors, anneglects to recognize thomitterisk factors calso leto unexplainereturns. For example, other risk factors sucurrenare not incluin the mol, whimhelp explain returns anfurther increase R2.A is incorrect. Bourne's conclusion about unexplainereturns is incorrect.C is incorrect. e to the multicollinearity problem, Bourne correctly recethe volatility risk factor aninclucret risk, resulting in a higher R2 of the mol.B是正确的。Bourne得出结论,无法的回报可归因于阿尔法或随机误差,并忽略了omitte风险因素也会导致无法的收益。例如,其他风险因素,如货币,不包括在该模型中,这可能有助于回报并进一步增加R2。A不正确。Bourne关于无法的回报的结论是错误的。C不正确。由于多重共线性问题,Bourne正确地降低了波动性风险因子,并且包括信用风险导致模型的R2更高。 就因为说漏了????

2024-02-02 16:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022062601000015 问题如下 Bourne saiththe risk control rector of FunA usea linefactor mol to unrstanrisk exposure in the process of constructing anmonitoring FunA's strategy. Bourne constructea mol using the following macro-risk factors sustorisk, interest rate risk, commoty risk, cret risk, anvolatility risk. When explaining the mol to peers, Bourne stateththe portion of hee funreturns thwere not explainethese risk factors cattributeto manager alpha or ranm errors. There is a high correlation between cret risk anvolatility risk factors. In orr to solve the multicollinearity problem, Bourne excluthe factor of volatility risk, the mol ha higher R2 when cret risk is incluinsteof volatility risk.Is Bourne's construction anconclusion of a linefactor mol most likely correct? A.Yes, he is correct. B.No, he is incorrewith regarto attributing unexplainereturns. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto opping volatility a risk factor. B is correct. Bourne conclus thunexplainereturns cattributeto alpha or ranm errors, anneglects to recognize thomitterisk factors calso leto unexplainereturns. For example, other risk factors sucurrenare not incluin the mol, whimhelp explain returns anfurther increase R2.A is incorrect. Bourne's conclusion about unexplainereturns is incorrect.C is incorrect. e to the multicollinearity problem, Bourne correctly recethe volatility risk factor aninclucret risk, resulting in a higher R2 of the mol.B是正确的。Bourne得出结论,无法的回报可归因于阿尔法或随机误差,并忽略了omitte风险因素也会导致无法的收益。例如,其他风险因素,如货币,不包括在该模型中,这可能有助于回报并进一步增加R2。A不正确。Bourne关于无法的回报的结论是错误的。C不正确。由于多重共线性问题,Bourne正确地降低了波动性风险因子,并且包括信用风险导致模型的R2更高。 基金经理怎么操作的 怎么降低风险的?分析下为什么是对的

2024-01-02 11:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022062601000015 问题如下 Bourne saiththe risk control rector of FunA usea linefactor mol to unrstanrisk exposure in the process of constructing anmonitoring FunA's strategy. Bourne constructea mol using the following macro-risk factors sustorisk, interest rate risk, commoty risk, cret risk, anvolatility risk. When explaining the mol to peers, Bourne stateththe portion of hee funreturns thwere not explainethese risk factors cattributeto manager alpha or ranm errors. There is a high correlation between cret risk anvolatility risk factors. In orr to solve the multicollinearity problem, Bourne excluthe factor of volatility risk, the mol ha higher R2 when cret risk is incluinsteof volatility risk.Is Bourne's construction anconclusion of a linefactor mol most likely correct? A.Yes, he is correct. B.No, he is incorrewith regarto attributing unexplainereturns. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto opping volatility a risk factor. B is correct. Bourne conclus thunexplainereturns cattributeto alpha or ranm errors, anneglects to recognize thomitterisk factors calso leto unexplainereturns. For example, other risk factors sucurrenare not incluin the mol, whimhelp explain returns anfurther increase R2.A is incorrect. Bourne's conclusion about unexplainereturns is incorrect.C is incorrect. e to the multicollinearity problem, Bourne correctly recethe volatility risk factor aninclucret risk, resulting in a higher R2 of the mol.B是正确的。Bourne得出结论,无法的回报可归因于阿尔法或随机误差,并忽略了omitte风险因素也会导致无法的收益。例如,其他风险因素,如货币,不包括在该模型中,这可能有助于回报并进一步增加R2。A不正确。Bourne关于无法的回报的结论是错误的。C不正确。由于多重共线性问题,Bourne正确地降低了波动性风险因子,并且包括信用风险导致模型的R2更高。 老师, 这道题能讲解一下嘛,是什么意思啊R的平方是什么?

2023-12-25 10:23 1 · 回答