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Mia Li · 2024年04月06日


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A 100 basis point decrease in investment grade corporate bond yields may affect Kensington’s plan funded status by less than the increase in the benefit obligation because:



remeasurements from changes in assumptions are recognized in OCI, not in earnings.


a decrease in service cost will partially offset the increase.


the fair value of plan assets may simultaneously increase.


C is correct. A decrease in interest rates may result in an increase in the fair value of plan assets that offsets the increase in the benefit obligation from a lower discount rate, especially plan assets invested in longer-duration fixed-income securities.


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年08月10日

同学你好,plan assets 包含的内容和PBO包含的内容请参考以下讲义截图

注意,影响plan assets的只有actual return,和expected return没有任何关系

而funded status = plan assets - PBO,从expected return的角度出发,根本不能得出”折现率下降会使funded status受影响程度比PBO更少 “这个结论

由于公司养老金plan asset一般投资的也是高等级企业债,但一般投资期限会短一些,一旦利率下降,plan asset本质作为一种债券投资,债券的价值会上升,所以才会使Plan asset变大了一点。

但是另一方面,由于利率下降,PBO这种久期很长的债券的价值会增加的更多,所以funded status 受plan assets 的增加和PBO的增加 两方面的影响,最后变化的就没有PBO那么多

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月06日

同学你好,在IFRS下,remeasurement下记录的是1.真实的资产收益和预期的资产收益的差额,2.精算假设(如员工寿命,薪酬增长率)的改变导致的DB plan新增或减少的obligation

本题说的是discount rate的变化,影响的是service cost,还有interest cost, 而service cost和interest cost都是计入I/S表的,而OCI里的remeasurement无关,所以A肯定不对哦

karweillas · 2024年08月10日

我的理解是这样,discount rate↓应该会使得expected return↓,从而使得OCI(plan asset):remeasurement的(actural return - expected return)上升,也会使得fund status上涨少于pension liability。但A不对是因为重点在“确认在OCI还是NI”,而“确认在哪里”不是原因。

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NO.PZ202401310100000107 问题如下 A 100 basis point crease in investment gra corporate bonyiel maffeKensington’s plfunstatus less ththe increase in the benefit obligation because: A.remeasurements from changes in assumptions are recognizein OCI, not in earnings. B.a crease in servicost will partially offset the increase. C.the fair value of plassets msimultaneously increase. C is correct. A crease in interest rates mresult in increase in the fair value of plassets thoffsets the increase in the benefit obligation from a lower scount rate, especially plassets investein longer-ration fixeincome securities. 如题

2024-08-10 21:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000107问题如下 A 100 basis point crease in investment gra corporate bonyiel maffeKensington’s plfunstatus less ththe increase in the benefit obligation because: A.remeasurements from changes in assumptions are recognizein OCI, not in earnings.B.a crease in servicost will partially offset the increase.C.the fair value of plassets msimultaneously increase. C is correct. A crease in interest rates mresult in increase in the fair value of plassets thoffsets the increase in the benefit obligation from a lower scount rate, especially plassets investein longer-ration fixeincome securities. 投资级公司债的收益率就是折现率吗,哪里提到了这个知识点

2024-06-30 09:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000107 问题如下 A 100 basis point crease in investment gra corporate bonyiel maffeKensington’s plfunstatus less ththe increase in the benefit obligation because: A.remeasurements from changes in assumptions are recognizein OCI, not in earnings. B.a crease in servicost will partially offset the increase. C.the fair value of plassets msimultaneously increase. C is correct. A crease in interest rates mresult in increase in the fair value of plassets thoffsets the increase in the benefit obligation from a lower scount rate, especially plassets investein longer-ration fixeincome securities. 为什么A crease in interest rates mresult in increase in the fair value of plassets ?能否用公式一下

2024-03-21 10:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000107 问题如下 A 100 basis point crease in investment gra corporate bonyiel maffeKensington’s plfunstatus less ththe increase in the benefit obligation because: A.remeasurements from changes in assumptions are recognizein OCI, not in earnings. B.a crease in servicost will partially offset the increase. C.the fair value of plassets msimultaneously increase. C is correct. A crease in interest rates mresult in increase in the fair value of plassets thoffsets the increase in the benefit obligation from a lower scount rate, especially plassets investein longer-ration fixeincome securities. A,b,c这题是个结论?来记忆》哪里的点

2024-03-21 00:31 1 · 回答