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StefanESG · 2024年04月06日

Transition risk



J Justin Deyzak is conducting a review of the food industry and came comes across two companies which are interesting investment opportunities. Because he is aware that agricultural companies can be highly exposed to climate risk, he investigates Company A and Company B’s business models in order to assess those risks. Below is the summary of his findings.

Company A

Company A’s main products are premium cookies and cakes, which it sells retail in niche markets across the Middle East. It has a franchise model in which it maintains the design and recipe of its product in-house, while outsourcing raw material and production to partners. Suppliers for the key raw material, flour, are based in Yemen and Libya, which have been plagued with water scarcity in the past few years.

Company B

Company B is based in Mexico and produces chocolate paste. To ensure the standard of quality required by its clients, the company owns all of the farms that supply the cocoa.

The company has been growing through acquiring farmland acquisitions. It identifies locations where water sources and soil are of high quality but poor farming techniques have led to inefficiencies. It purchases the land and then works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable and productive farming methods.

Which of the following statements is true regarding transition risk?


A.Company A has lower transition risk because it is a B2C (business-to-consumer) company which outsources its agricultural production. B.Company B has higher transition risk because it is a B2B (business-to-business) company that needs to educate farmers about other farming methods. C.Transition risk related to changing consumer expectations regarding agricultural methods should be considered for both B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) companies. D.Justin does not need to review regulation on deforestation in the three countries as these would not impact transition risk.


不管是B2B还是B2C公司,都应考虑消费者对农业方法期望的变化,而农业方法的改进属于transition risk的技术方面。

D选项错误,三个国家的监管层面会影响transition risk,因此Justin需要关注。

B公司主要提及了由于生产技术的改变可能会带来transition risk,A公司主要是供应链可能会受到原材料产地由于干旱所带来的physical risk。


2 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年04月08日




pzqa38 · 2024年04月07日





StefanESG · 2024年04月07日


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NO.PZ2022120702000052 问题如下 J Justin yzis concting a review of the fooinstry ancame comes across two companies whiare interesting investment opportunities. Because he is aware thagriculturcompanies chighly exposeto climate risk, he investigates Company A anCompany B’s business mols in orr to assess those risks. Below is the summary of his finngs.Company ACompany A’s main procts are premium cookies ancakes, whiit sells retail in niche markets across the Mile East. It ha franchise mol in whiit maintains the sign anrecipe of its proin-house, while outsourcing rmaterianproction to partners. Suppliers for the key rmaterial, flour, are basein Yemen anLibywhihave been plaguewith water scarcity in the past few years.Company BCompany B is basein Mexianproces chocolate paste. To ensure the stanrof quality requireits clients, the company owns all of the farms thsupply the cocoa.The company hbeen growing through acquiring farmlanacquisitions. It intifies locations where water sources ansoil are of high quality but poor farming techniques have leto inefficiencies. It purchases the lananthen works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable anproctive farming metho.Whiof the following statements is true regarng transition risk? A.Company A hlower transition risk because it is a B2C (business-to-consumer) company whioutsources its agriculturproction. B.Company B hhigher transition risk because it is a B2B (business-to-business) company thnee to ecate farmers about other farming metho. C.Transition risk relateto changing consumer expectations regarng agriculturmetho shoulconsirefor both B2B (business-to-business) anB2C (business-to-consumer) companies. Justin es not neeto review regulation on forestation in the three countries these woulnot impatransition risk. 不管是B2B还是B2C公司,都应考虑消费者对农业方法期望的变化,而农业方法的改进属于transition risk的技术方面。误,三个国家的监管层面会影响transition risk,因此Justin需要关注。 请答案C 和整个题目的关联性。不太理解transition risk的定义了,放在这里

2024-01-23 11:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000052 问题如下 J Justin yzis concting a review of the fooinstry ancame comes across two companies whiare interesting investment opportunities. Because he is aware thagriculturcompanies chighly exposeto climate risk, he investigates Company A anCompany B’s business mols in orr to assess those risks. Below is the summary of his finngs.Company ACompany A’s main procts are premium cookies ancakes, whiit sells retail in niche markets across the Mile East. It ha franchise mol in whiit maintains the sign anrecipe of its proin-house, while outsourcing rmaterianproction to partners. Suppliers for the key rmaterial, flour, are basein Yemen anLibywhihave been plaguewith water scarcity in the past few years.Company BCompany B is basein Mexianproces chocolate paste. To ensure the stanrof quality requireits clients, the company owns all of the farms thsupply the cocoa.The company hbeen growing through acquiring farmlanacquisitions. It intifies locations where water sources ansoil are of high quality but poor farming techniques have leto inefficiencies. It purchases the lananthen works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable anproctive farming metho.Whiof the following statements is true regarng transition risk? A.Company A hlower transition risk because it is a B2C (business-to-consumer) company whioutsources its agriculturproction. B.Company B hhigher transition risk because it is a B2B (business-to-business) company thnee to ecate farmers about other farming metho. C.Transition risk relateto changing consumer expectations regarng agriculturmetho shoulconsirefor both B2B (business-to-business) anB2C (business-to-consumer) companies. Justin es not neeto review regulation on forestation in the three countries these woulnot impatransition risk. 不管是B2B还是B2C公司,都应考虑消费者对农业方法期望的变化,而农业方法的改进属于transition risk的技术方面。误,三个国家的监管层面会影响transition risk,因此Justin需要关注。 什么是 B2B , B2C

2023-11-18 00:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000052 问题如下 J Justin yzis concting a review of the fooinstry ancame comes across two companies whiare interesting investment opportunities. Because he is aware thagriculturcompanies chighly exposeto climate risk, he investigates Company A anCompany B’s business mols in orr to assess those risks. Below is the summary of his finngs.Company ACompany A’s main procts are premium cookies ancakes, whiit sells retail in niche markets across the Mile East. It ha franchise mol in whiit maintains the sign anrecipe of its proin-house, while outsourcing rmaterianproction to partners. Suppliers for the key rmaterial, flour, are basein Yemen anLibywhihave been plaguewith water scarcity in the past few years.Company BCompany B is basein Mexianproces chocolate paste. To ensure the stanrof quality requireits clients, the company owns all of the farms thsupply the cocoa.The company hbeen growing through acquiring farmlanacquisitions. It intifies locations where water sources ansoil are of high quality but poor farming techniques have leto inefficiencies. It purchases the lananthen works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable anproctive farming metho.Whiof the following statements is true regarng transition risk? A.Company A hlower transition risk because it is a B2C (business-to-consumer) company whioutsources its agriculturproction. B.Company B hhigher transition risk because it is a B2B (business-to-business) company thnee to ecate farmers about other farming metho. C.Transition risk relateto changing consumer expectations regarng agriculturmetho shoulconsirefor both B2B (business-to-business) anB2C (business-to-consumer) companies. Justin es not neeto review regulation on forestation in the three countries these woulnot impatransition risk. 不管是B2B还是B2C公司,都应考虑消费者对农业方法期望的变化,而农业方法的改进属于transition risk的技术方面。误,三个国家的监管层面会影响transition risk,因此Justin需要关注。 B和原文一致,农民的耕作方式改变是转型风险呀,为什么不对?请老师讲解一下

2023-11-17 22:49 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000052 问题如下 J Justin yzis concting a review of the fooinstry ancame comes across two companies whiare interesting investment opportunities. Because he is aware thagriculturcompanies chighly exposeto climate risk, he investigates Company A anCompany B’s business mols in orr to assess those risks. Below is the summary of his finngs.Company ACompany A’s main procts are premium cookies ancakes, whiit sells retail in niche markets across the Mile East. It ha franchise mol in whiit maintains the sign anrecipe of its proin-house, while outsourcing rmaterianproction to partners. Suppliers for the key rmaterial, flour, are basein Yemen anLibywhihave been plaguewith water scarcity in the past few years.Company BCompany B is basein Mexianproces chocolate paste. To ensure the stanrof quality requireits clients, the company owns all of the farms thsupply the cocoa.The company hbeen growing through acquiring farmlanacquisitions. It intifies locations where water sources ansoil are of high quality but poor farming techniques have leto inefficiencies. It purchases the lananthen works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable anproctive farming metho.Whiof the following statements is true regarng transition risk? A.Company A hlower transition risk because it is a B2C (business-to-consumer) company whioutsources its agriculturproction. B.Company B hhigher transition risk because it is a B2B (business-to-business) company thnee to ecate farmers about other farming metho. C.Transition risk relateto changing consumer expectations regarng agriculturmetho shoulconsirefor both B2B (business-to-business) anB2C (business-to-consumer) companies. Justin es not neeto review regulation on forestation in the three countries these woulnot impatransition risk. 不管是B2B还是B2C公司,都应考虑消费者对农业方法期望的变化,而农业方法的改进属于transition risk的技术方面。误,三个国家的监管层面会影响transition risk,因此Justin需要关注。 B的意思与原文It purchases the lananthen works with the farmers to help them transition to more sustainable anproctive farming metho.相符合啊?为什么不对呢?投资买地,然后合作然后过度到可持续的农耕方式,应该是高风险吧?唯一能说它错误的原因就是原文说是与农民共同合作,而说的是教,但是这有点牵强。需要老师具体展开讲解一下

2023-07-29 10:49 2 · 回答