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dejiazheng · 2024年04月01日




The chief investment officer (CIO) asks you to analyze model A. He gives you the test results, shown in Exhibit 2.

Identify the type of error and its impacts on regression Model A indicated by the data in Exhibit 2.



Serial correlation, invalid coefficient estimates, and deflated standard errors


Heteroskedasticity, valid coefficient estimates, and deflated standard errors


Serial correlation, valid coefficient estimates, and inflated standard errors.


A is correct. The Breusch–Godfrey (BG) test is for serial correlation, and for Model A, the BG test statistic exceeds the critical value. In the presence of serial correlation, if the independent variable is a lagged value of the dependent variable, then regression coefficient estimates are invalid and coefficients’ standard errors are deflated, so t-statistics are inflated.


1 个答案

品职助教_七七 · 2024年04月01日




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NO.PZ2023040502000021 问题如下 The chief investment officer (CIO) asks you to analyzemol He gives you the test results, shown in Exhibit 2.Intify the type of error anits impacts onregression Mol A incatethe ta in Exhibit 2. A.Sericorrelation, invalicoefficient estimates, aneflatestanrerrors B.Heteroskesticity, valicoefficient estimates, aneflatestanrerrors C.Sericorrelation, valicoefficient estimates, annflatestanrerrors. A is correct. The Breusch–Gorey (BG) test is forsericorrelation, anfor Mol the test statistic excee the criticalvalue. In the presenof sericorrelation, if the inpennt variable is alaggevalue of the pennt variable, then regression coefficient estimatesare invaliancoefficients’ stanrerrors are flate so t-statistiareinflate 讲义上不是说positive sericorrelation not affethe consistenanestimation of regression coefficients嘛,为啥这里选invalicoefficients呀?

2024-03-14 22:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040502000021 问题如下 The chief investment officer (CIO) asks you to analyzemol He gives you the test results, shown in Exhibit 2.Intify the type of error anits impacts onregression Mol A incatethe ta in Exhibit 2. A.Sericorrelation, invalicoefficient estimates, aneflatestanrerrors B.Heteroskesticity, valicoefficient estimates, aneflatestanrerrors C.Sericorrelation, valicoefficient estimates, annflatestanrerrors. A is correct. The Breusch–Gorey (BG) test is forsericorrelation, anfor Mol the test statistic excee the criticalvalue. In the presenof sericorrelation, if the inpennt variable is alaggevalue of the pennt variable, then regression coefficient estimatesare invaliancoefficients’ stanrerrors are flate so t-statistiareinflate 助教你好,这题我答对了,也听了何老师的讲解。何老师说如果exhibit 2中最后一栏(inpennt variable is laggevalue of pennt variable)写着No,那得出的结论是sericorrelation和valicoefficient estimates;我想确认一下,stanrerror是flatestanrerror吗?谢谢。

2023-04-14 19:14 1 · 回答