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Xiaochong · 2024年03月31日

多币种的cross hedge

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Recommend an alternative hedging strategy that will keep the hedge ratio close to the target hedge ratio. Identify the main disadvantage of implementing such a strategy.



The fund manager should implement a dynamic hedging approach. Dynamic hedging requires rebalancing the portfolio periodically. The rebalancing would require adjusting some combination of the size, number, and maturities of the foreign-currency contracts.

Although rebalancing a dynamic hedge will keep the actual hedge ratio close to the target hedge ratio, it has the disadvantage of increased transaction costs compared to a static hedge.




老师好, 我在前一题里面就把他们应该做动态hedge写进去了,导致我在看这题的时候就想到其他方向,比如多币种的cross hedge,请问

  1. 如何在考试中避免把后一题的答案写在前一题里面,导致前一题写得过多?
  2. 如果真是这样情况,我还会在这题中得分吗?
  3. 老师可以解释一下有没有可能往cross currency方向考虑?谢谢
2 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年04月01日


我觉得首先重点还是要审题,尤其是问题本身,而不是看题干,因为一个case信息量很大,一个case会对应很多很多题目,所以要重点看题目问的是啥,不然确实容易跑偏。比如这道题问的是keep the hedge ratio close to the target hedge ratio,他这里侧重问的hedge ratio的问题,基本可以判断是考的动态对冲。二是我们知识点还是要有清晰的理解,不能模糊不清,比如说cross hedge的意思是本来要对冲A的,比如说我们要用forward合约对冲,但是市场上找不到A的forward合约,考虑到A和B的相关性很高,B可以替代A,于是我们就用B的forward合约来对冲A,明显和题目问的没有关系。


Xiaochong · 2024年04月01日


pzqa31 · 2024年04月02日




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NO.PZ201601050100000109 问题如下 Recommenalternative heing strategy thwill keep the hee ratio close to the target hee ratio. Intify the main saantage of implementing sua strategy. The funmanager shoulimplement a namic heing approach. namic heing requires rebalancing the portfolio periocally. The rebalancing woulrequire austing some combination of the size, number, anmaturities of the foreign-currencontracts. Although rebalancing a namic hee will keep the actuhee ratio close to the target hee ratio, it hthe saantage of increasetransaction costs compareto a static hee.中文解析基金经理应采用动态对冲方法。动态对冲需要周期性地重新平衡投资组合。再平衡需要调整外汇合约的规模、数量和期限。虽然重新平衡动态套期保值会使实际套期保值比率接近目标套期保值比率,但与静态套期保值相比,它有增加交易成本的缺点。 老师请问,这题答案和Passive heing, scretionary heing, Active currenmanagement, Currenoverlay的概念区别在哪里?

2023-08-19 13:20 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100000109 问题如下 Recommenalternative heing strategy thwill keep the hee ratio close to the target hee ratio. Intify the main saantage of implementing sua strategy. The funmanager shoulimplement a namic heing approach. namic heing requires rebalancing the portfolio periocally. The rebalancing woulrequire austing some combination of the size, number, anmaturities of the foreign-currencontracts. Although rebalancing a namic hee will keep the actuhee ratio close to the target hee ratio, it hthe saantage of increasetransaction costs compareto a static hee.中文解析基金经理应采用动态对冲方法。动态对冲需要周期性地重新平衡投资组合。再平衡需要调整外汇合约的规模、数量和期限。虽然重新平衡动态套期保值会使实际套期保值比率接近目标套期保值比率,但与静态套期保值相比,它有增加交易成本的缺点。 两种namic hee 方法 如何用英文简单表示?

2022-05-30 08:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100000109 问题如下 Recommenalternative heing strategy thwill keep the hee ratio close to the target hee ratio. Intify the main saantage of implementing sua strategy. The funmanager shoulimplement a namic heing approach. namic heing requires rebalancing the portfolio periocally. The rebalancing woulrequire austing some combination of the size, number, anmaturities of the foreign-currencontracts. Although rebalancing a namic hee will keep the actuhee ratio close to the target hee ratio, it hthe saantage of increasetransaction costs compareto a static hee.中文解析基金经理应采用动态对冲方法。动态对冲需要周期性地重新平衡投资组合。再平衡需要调整外汇合约的规模、数量和期限。虽然重新平衡动态套期保值会使实际套期保值比率接近目标套期保值比率,但与静态套期保值相比,它有增加交易成本的缺点。 Static Heing vs namic Heing 框架图里好像没有?知识图谱里好像也没有这个考点

2022-05-09 19:28 1 · 回答