Q. Jordan’s response about the ratio impact of Alpha’s decision to capitalize interest costs is most likely correct with respect to the:选项:
A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixed asset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage and fixed asset turnover ratios.解释:
B is correct. Alpha’s fixed asset turnover will be lower because the capitalized interest will appear on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed. Therefore, fixed assets will be higher and the fixed asset turnover ratio (total revenue/average net fixed assets) will be lower than if it had expensed these costs. Capitalized interest appears on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed instead of being reported as interest expense in the period incurred. However, the interest coverage ratio should be based on interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments) and should be unchanged. To provide a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenditure, both the capitalized portion and the expensed portion, should be used in calculating interest coverage ratios.
在建工程利息资本化,interest coverage ratio的分母int不是应该更小吗?整体ratio更大应该也是对的,为什么这题不能选C?
是否因为这个题目对应的考点是分析师观点?所以认为哪怕是资本化处理利息费用,int coverage ratio的分母也应当把这部分利息考虑进去