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Captain America · 2024年03月29日


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Anderson’s conclusion about the profitability of the AVC convertible arbitrage trade is:



B.incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price decreases.

C.incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price increases


A is correct. The classic convertible bond arbitrage strategy is to buy the relatively undervalued convertible bond and take a short position in the relatively overvalued underlying stock. If the convertible bond’s current price is near the conversion value, then the combination of a long convertible and short equity delta exposure will create a situation where for small changes in the share price and ignoring dividends and borrowing costs, the profit/loss will be the same. The current conversion price of the AVC convertible bond is €1,000 × (115/100)/50 = €23, and the current AVC share price is €28. Thus, by purchasing the convertible bond, selling short the shares, exercising the conversion option, and selling the shares at the current market price, a profit of €5 can be locked in regardless of changes in the share price. The following table demonstrates this result by showing the same trade profit of €5 for three different stock prices

where Long stock via convertible bond profit = New share price – Current conversion price Short stock profit = Current share price – New share price Total profit = Long stock via convertible bond profit + Short stock profit Thus, regardless of the share price, the total profit on the convertible arbitrage trade is €5


1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年04月01日


这个人的表述是“The profit earned on the convertible arbitrage trade will be the same regardless of whether the share price of AVC decreases or increases”,也就是说通过可转债套利的profit是固定的,不管这个AVC的股价最终是涨还是跌,她的这个表述是对的哈。

通过题目我们可以计算出可转债的转股价格是23,也就是通过可转债买股票的价格是23,操作就是long可转债同时short stock,答案中举了它股价的3中例子,我们可以看到套利的profit都是5,所以她的表述是对的,选A。


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