Anderson’s conclusion about the profitability of the AVC convertible arbitrage trade is:
B.incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price decreases.
C.incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price increases
A is correct. The classic convertible bond arbitrage strategy is to buy the relatively undervalued convertible bond and take a short position in the relatively
overvalued underlying stock. If the convertible bond’s current price is near the
conversion value, then the combination of a long convertible and short equity
delta exposure will create a situation where for small changes in the share price
and ignoring dividends and borrowing costs, the profit/loss will be the same.
The current conversion price of the AVC convertible bond is €1,000 ×
(115/100)/50 = €23, and the current AVC share price is €28. Thus, by purchasing
the convertible bond, selling short the shares, exercising the conversion option,
and selling the shares at the current market price, a profit of €5 can be locked in
regardless of changes in the share price. The following table demonstrates this
result by showing the same trade profit of €5 for three different stock prices
Long stock via convertible bond profit
= New share price – Current conversion price
Short stock profit = Current share price – New share price
Total profit = Long stock via convertible bond profit + Short stock profit
Thus, regardless of the share price, the total profit on the convertible arbitrage
trade is €5