NO.PZ2016012102000170 问题如下 PZ company's financistatements.Baseon these information, whiof the following conclusions woulmost likely correct? A.Inventory management hcontributeto improveoperating activities B.Changes in its cret ancollections policies with its customers hcontributeto improveoperating activities C.Changes in cret policies from suppliers hcontributeto improveoperating activities A is correct.To analyze this firm's operating strategy, calculate its activity ratios:tpaing:5px}In this table, the firm's activity ratios have changemost are the ratios about inventory. ys of inventory on hanis creasing, anthe ratios relateto receivables anpayables almost remain the same. Thus inventory management hcontributeto improveoperating activities.考点财务报表分析 这道题是让你综合运用所学到的财务报表分析技术,分析这个公司的各项财务指标,这就要求你不仅要掌握各个指标的计算公式,还需要掌握这个公式代表的意思。 首先,先要计算公司近几年的财务比率 在该表中,企业的财务指标变化最大的是存货相关的比率。 库存周转天数正在减少,然而应收账款和应付账款相关的比率几乎保持不变。 因此可以推断出,公司库存管理帮助了公司改善经营活动。 老师能举个例子算下2015的存货周转率吗,不是应该直接用2015年的COGS除以2015年的存货价值吗,算出来和答案对不上
NO.PZ2016012102000170 问题如下 PZ company's financistatements.Baseon these information, whiof the following conclusions woulmost likely correct? A.Inventory management hcontributeto improveoperating activities B.Changes in its cret ancollections policies with its customers hcontributeto improveoperating activities C.Changes in cret policies from suppliers hcontributeto improveoperating activities A is correct.To analyze this firm's operating strategy, calculate its activity ratios:tpaing:5px}In this table, the firm's activity ratios have changemost are the ratios about inventory. ys of inventory on hanis creasing, anthe ratios relateto receivables anpayables almost remain the same. Thus inventory management hcontributeto improveoperating activities.考点财务报表分析 这道题是让你综合运用所学到的财务报表分析技术,分析这个公司的各项财务指标,这就要求你不仅要掌握各个指标的计算公式,还需要掌握这个公式代表的意思。 首先,先要计算公司近几年的财务比率 在该表中,企业的财务指标变化最大的是存货相关的比率。 库存周转天数正在减少,然而应收账款和应付账款相关的比率几乎保持不变。 因此可以推断出,公司库存管理帮助了公司改善经营活动。 应付账款周转率是越大越好还是越小越好?
NO.PZ2016012102000170 我的理解是供应商的情况好,就能让我晚一点付钱,对我来说不是好事么