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YAO Monica · 2024年03月24日




Jeffinsin introduces option Greeks into the conversation, stating, “The BSM model contains six inputs: the stock price, the option’s exercise price, dividends, the risk-free interest rate, time to maturity, and implied volatility. The effect of the BSM model inputs on the price of an option can be measured by the option Greeks. Delta and gamma are measures of the relationship between a change in the stock price and the option price. Theta is a measure that typically approaches zero at an increasing rate as the option approaches maturity. Holding all other factors constant, Vega is a measure that typically is higher whenever an option is “out of the money.

Jeffinsin’s statement about option Greeks is least likely correct with respect to:







delta and gamma.


A is correct. Jeffinsin’s statement regarding vega is not correct. Vega measures the effect of changes in implied volatility on the price of an option, holding all other factors constant. Vega is high whenever an option trades “near or at the money.” Vega is lower whenever an option is trading ”out of the money.”

B is incorrect. Jeffinsin’s statement with respect to theta is correct. Theta measures the effect of time erosion of an option, holding all other factors constant.

C is incorrect. Jeffinsin’s statement with respect to delta and gamma is correct. Delta and gamma measure the effect of a change in the stock price on an option, holding all other factors constant.

Theta is a measure that typically approaches zero at an increasing rate as the option approaches maturity


问题:at an increasing rate说的是什么?

1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年03月25日




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NO.PZ2023020101000027 问题如下 Jeffinsin introces option Greeks intothe conversation, stating, “The BSM mol contains six inputs: the stoprice,the option’s exercise price, vin, the risk-free interest rate, time tomaturity, animplievolatility. The effeof the BSM mol inputs on thepriof option cmeasurethe option Greeks. lta angamma aremeasures of the relationship between a change in the stoprianthe optionprice. Theta is a measure thtypically approaches zero increasing ratethe option approaches maturity. Holng all other factors constant, Vega isa measure thtypically is higher whenever option is “out of the money.”Jeffinsin’s statement about option Greeksis least likely correwith respeto: A.veg B.thet C.ltaangamm A is correct. Jeffinsin’s statement regarngvega is not correct. Vega measures the effeof changes in implievolatilityon the priof option, holng all other factors constant. Vega is highwhenever option tras “neor the money.” Vega is lower whenever optionis trang ”out of the money.”B is incorrect. Jeffinsin’s statement withrespeto theta is correct. Theta measures the effeof time erosion of anoption, holng all other factors constant.C is incorrect. Jeffinsin’s statement withrespeto lta angamma is correct. lta angamma measure the effeof achange in the stoprion option, holng all other factors constant. 从theta的定义 就是时间对期权价值的变化斜率对吧从theta的那个图里可以看出来 斜率虽然在快速下降,但是不是趋近于0的啊

2025-02-22 11:56 1 · 回答