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cynthia · 2024年03月24日




Which of the following is most likely considered an escalation of engagement?


A.Expressing concerns through the investee company’s advisers B.Meeting with the chair of the investee company to discuss the issue of concern C.Submitting a resolution and speaking at the investee company's annual general meeting


C is correct because "while the first three engagements might be seen by many engagement professionals as part of a standard set of tools in normal dialogue with companies, the subsequent four will certainly be recognised as forms of escalation: 1 holding additional meetings with management specifically to discuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s advisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other board members; 4 intervening jointly with other institutions on particular issues; 5 making a public statement in advance of general meetings; 6 submitting resolutions and speaking at general meetings; and 7 requesting a general meeting, in some cases proposing to change board membership."

A is incorrect because "normal dialogue with companies include … 1 holding additional meetings with management specifically to discuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s advisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other board members…"

B is incorrect because "normal dialogue with companies include … 1 holding additional meetings with management specifically to discuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s advisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other board members…"


1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年03月25日




  1. 向公司顾问表达关切(选项A)或与公司董事长会面讨论关注事项(选项B)通常被视为正常的沟通渠道和初步接触手段。这些活动通常发生在私下,旨在通过建设性的对话解决问题。
  2. 相比之下,提交决议并在年度股东大会上公开发言(选项C)是一种更为公开和正式的参与形式。这不仅意味着将关注点公开化,还可能吸引其他股东的注意,并对公司的公共形象或股价产生影响。这种行为被视为升级的原因在于,它表明私下对话可能未能达到预期效果,股东因此采取更强硬的手段来促进变革或解决问题。
  3. 提交决议特别被看作是一种升级手段,因为这通常涉及到具体的、有时可能对公司治理或政策方向产生重大影响的建议。在年度大会上发言增加了这种行动的公开性和紧迫性,使之成为一个更加明显的行动来吸引更广泛的股东和公众关注。



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NO.PZ2022120703000052问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely consireescalation of engagement? A.Expressing concerns through the investee company’s aisersB.Meeting with the chair of the investee company to scuss the issue of concernC.Submitting a resolution anspeaking the investee company's annugenermeeting C is correbecause \"while the first three engagements might seen many engagement professionals part of a stanrset of tools in normalogue with companies, the subsequent four will certainly recogniseforms of escalation: 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers; 4 intervening jointly with other institutions on particulissues; 5 making a public statement in aanof genermeetings; 6 submitting resolutions anspeaking genermeetings; an7 requesting a genermeeting, in some cases proposing to change boarmembership.\"A is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\"B is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\" AB在中英文47页不是都有吗,为啥错

2024-03-05 16:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000052问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely consireescalation of engagement? A.Expressing concerns through the investee company’s aisersB.Meeting with the chair of the investee company to scuss the issue of concernC.Submitting a resolution anspeaking the investee company's annugenermeeting C is correbecause \"while the first three engagements might seen many engagement professionals part of a stanrset of tools in normalogue with companies, the subsequent four will certainly recogniseforms of escalation: 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers; 4 intervening jointly with other institutions on particulissues; 5 making a public statement in aanof genermeetings; 6 submitting resolutions anspeaking genermeetings; an7 requesting a genermeeting, in some cases proposing to change boarmembership.\"A is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\"B is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\" 根据下面的解析,该题AB也是正确答案,为什么不选择?

2024-02-19 11:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000052 问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely consireescalation of engagement? A.Expressing concerns through the investee company’s aisers B.Meeting with the chair of the investee company to scuss the issue of concern C.Submitting a resolution anspeaking the investee company's annugenermeeting C is correbecause \"while the first three engagements might seen many engagement professionals part of a stanrset of tools in normalogue with companies, the subsequent four will certainly recogniseforms of escalation: 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers; 4 intervening jointly with other institutions on particulissues; 5 making a public statement in aanof genermeetings; 6 submitting resolutions anspeaking genermeetings; an7 requesting a genermeeting, in some cases proposing to change boarmembership.\"A is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\"B is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\" 请问escalation engagment的标准是什么?一般在什么情况下需要升级enagement?为什么?

2024-01-24 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000052 问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely consireescalation of engagement? A.Expressing concerns through the investee company’s aisers B.Meeting with the chair of the investee company to scuss the issue of concern C.Submitting a resolution anspeaking the investee company's annugenermeeting C is correbecause \"while the first three engagements might seen many engagement professionals part of a stanrset of tools in normalogue with companies, the subsequent four will certainly recogniseforms of escalation: 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers; 4 intervening jointly with other institutions on particulissues; 5 making a public statement in aanof genermeetings; 6 submitting resolutions anspeaking genermeetings; an7 requesting a genermeeting, in some cases proposing to change boarmembership.\"A is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\"B is incorrebecause \"normalogue with companies inclu … 1 holng aitionmeetings with management specifically to scuss concerns; 2 expressing concerns through the company’s aisers; 3 meeting with the chair or other boarmembers…\" B 是一个twow对话C是只是一个单项的,为什么C是对的?

2024-01-23 15:00 1 · 回答