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世纪之龙5 · 2024年03月19日




A portfolio analyst is studying the history of hedge funds. While reviewing the milestones that shaped the hedge fund industry, the analyst focuses on institutional investors replacing private individuals as the dominant hedge fund investor group in the early 2000s. The analyst examines the effects of this major development on the industry, including changes in investor expectations, assets under management (AUM), and the level and volatility of returns. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the emergence of institutional investors as the dominant investor group in the hedge fund industry



Some hedge funds changed their strategies, but the volatility of hedge fund index returns continued to be lower than that of the S&P 500 Index returns.


Institutional investors allocated their investments evenly among small, medium, and large hedge funds, which decreased the concentration of AUM in the hedge fund industry.


Some hedge funds started to pursue more conservative strategies and hedge fund indices started to generate lower returns than the S&P 500 Index


Institutional investors have uniform expectations, which caused strategy benchmarking based on peer group alphas to become more effective.


A is correct. Hedge fund index returns continued to be less volatile than the S&P Index.

B is incorrect. The concentration of assets under management in the industry persisted. Actually, the size difference between the largest funds and the median fund or the smallest funds continued to grow.

C is incorrect. Despite the additional layer of fees charged by funds of hedge funds, the cumulative net (of all fees and expenses) performance of hedge funds did much better than the S&P index.

D is incorrect. Institutional investors’ expectations have been different than private wealthy individuals. Factors such as risk management, investment process, and operational governance, that contribute to the key consideration of performance persistency, have become more important with the arrival of institutional investors. Institutional investors also focus on how to allocate funds to different hedge fund strategies and need to know if different strategies deliver correlated returns.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年03月20日




A是对的,原版书的上一个结论,对冲基金指数收益的波动性低于标准普尔 500 指数收益的波动性。


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NO.PZ2019042401000074问题如下 A portfolio analyst is stuing the history of hee fun. While reviewing the milestones thshapethe hee funinstry, the analyst focuses on institutioninvestors replacing private invials the minant hee funinvestor group in the early 2000s. The analyst examines the effects of this major velopment on the instry, inclung changes in investor expectations, assets unr management (AUM), anthe level anvolatility of returns. Whiof the following statements is correregarng the emergenof institutioninvestors the minant investor group in the hee funinstry A.Some hee fun changetheir strategies, but the volatility of hee funinx returns continueto lower ththof the S P 500 Inx returns.B.Institutioninvestors allocatetheir investments evenly among small, meum, anlarge hee fun, whicreasethe concentration of AUM in the hee funinstry. C.Some hee fun starteto pursue more conservative strategies anhee funinces starteto generate lower returns ththe S P 500 InxInstitutioninvestors have uniform expectations, whicausestrategy benchmarking baseon peer group alphto become more effective. A is correct. Hee funinx returns continueto less volatile ththe S P Inx. B is incorrect. The concentration of assets unr management in the instry persiste Actually, the size fferenbetween the largest fun anthe mefunor the smallest fun continueto grow. C is incorrect. spite the aitionlayer of fees chargefun of hee fun, the cumulative net (of all fees anexpenses) performanof hee fun mubetter ththe S P inx. is incorrect. Institutioninvestors’ expectations have been fferent thprivate wealthy invials. Factors surisk management, investment process, anoperationgovernance, thcontribute to the key consiration of performanpersistency, have become more important with the arrivof institutioninvestors. Institutioninvestors also focus on how to allocate fun to fferent hee funstrategies anneeto know if fferent strategies liver correlatereturns. “对冲基金指数收益的波动性低于标准普尔 500 指数收益的波动性”——为什么?HF不应该收益高,风险高吗?也就是波动性更高

2024-04-06 01:04 1 · 回答