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世纪之龙5 · 2024年03月19日




A consultant is analyzing the disclosures hedge funds are mandated to file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The consultant emphasizes how investors can utilize these disclosures to identify and manage fraud risk. Which of the following statements is correct?



Disclosures of past regulatory or legal violations are not reliable indicators of fraud risk due to the evolving nature of circumstances.


There is not enough evidence to conclude that investors of hedge funds are compensated for fraud risk by receiving higher returns.


Regulatory and legal prohibitions effectively prevent fraud, and inadequate disclosure requirements on violations contribute to fraudulent activities.


Disclosures of regulatory and legal violations primarily benefit investors with access to expensive real-time data, excluding a significant portion of investors.


B is correct. There’s no evidence that supports that investors are compensated for fraud risk through higher returns or lower fees. A is incorrect. Disclosures regarding past regulatory or legal violations are effective in predicting fraud. C is incorrect. Although certain characteristics, such as conflicts of interest, can predict fraud, we cannot infer that conflicts of interest cause fraud, or that their prohibition would deter fraud. D is incorrect. In the past, SEC didn’t provide access to historical data (contemporaneous data has always been available) but this is not the case anymore. Up until 2007, the investing public’s ability to develop and use predictive models based on Form ADV data was potentially limited because the SEC did not provide access to historical data. As a result, the realized benefits of disclosure during that time frame may have been lower. The results of the study given in the reading suggest that improving public access to comprehensive historical disclosures could increase the benefits these disclosures were meant to provide.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年03月20日







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NO.PZ2019042401000053 问题如下 A consultant is analyzing the sclosures hee fun are manteto file with the US Securities anExchange Commission. The consultant emphasizes how investors cutilize these sclosures to intify anmanage fraurisk. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.sclosures of past regulatory or legviolations are not reliable incators of fraurisk e to the evolving nature of circumstances. B.There is not enough evinto conclu thinvestors of hee fun arecompensatefor fraurisk receiving higher returns. C.Regulatory anlegprohibitions effectively prevent frau aninaquate sclosure requirements on violations contribute to fraulent activities. sclosures of regulatory anlegviolations primarily benefit investors with access to expensive real-time texclung a significant portion of investors. B is correct. There’s no evinthsupports thinvestors are compensateforfraurisk through higher returns or lower fees.A is incorrect. sclosures regarng past regulatory or legviolations are effectivein precting frauC is incorrect. Although certain characteristics, suconflicts of interest, canprefrau we cannot infer thconflicts of interest cause frau or ththeirprohibition woulter frauis incorrect. In the past, SEC ’t provi access to historicta(contemporaneous ta halways been available) but this is not the caseanymore. Up until 2007, the investing public’s ability to velop anuse prectivemols baseon Form A ta wpotentially limitebecause the SEC notprovi access to historicta result, the realizebenefits of sclosurering thtime frame mhave been lower. The results of the stu given in thereang suggest thimproving public access to comprehensive historicalsclosures coulincrease the benefits these sclosures were meant to provi. B这句话翻译过来就是“没有充分的证据可以推测出投资者因为程度欺诈风险而获得高昂的回报”,这句话在说什么?为什么是对的?答非所问啊

2024-10-20 10:56 1 · 回答