NO.PZ2016012101000117 inventory turnover 和receivalbles turnover 的提高应该都是降低了流动性吧,那么A和C应该都是对的是么?
Management of payables hcontributeto improveliquity. Management of receivables hcontributeto improveliquity. C is correct. The analyst is unlikely to reathe conclusion given in Statement C because ys of sales outstanng increasefrom 23 ys in FY1 to 25 ys in FY2 to 28 ys in FY3, incating ththe time requireto collereceivables hincreaseover the perio This is a negative factor for Spherion’s liquity. contrast, ys of inventory on hanoppeover the perioFY1 to FY3, a positive for liquity. The company’s increase in ys payable, from 35 ys to 40 ys, shorteneits cash conversion cycle, thus also contributing to improveliquity. 解析根据题目给的三种周转天数,我们可以计算出每年的cash conversion cycle= H + O – Number of ys of payables,FY1是28天,FY2是24天,FY3是20天,周转天数缩短说明现金周转的更快了,是好事。从数据中能看出来存货周转天数变短了,说明存货从采购到销售出去用的时间变短了,是好事。应收账款天数增加说明企业收回应收账款用的时间变长了,不是好事。应付账款周转天数增加说明企业付给供应商货款更慢了,对企业来说也是好事。综上,cash conversion cycle的缩短是由于inventory和payables管理的好,而不是receivable管理得好,因为事实上receivable指标变差了。 两个问题1)b,payable跟liquity指标没有任何关系吧,所以得不出任何结论吧?为什么不选b呢?2)c,receivable周转天数在上升,就是周转率在下降,说明net revenue在下降或者receivable在上升。liquity ratio中的 quiratio分子是在上升的,短期偿债能力上升,那么c是有可能出现的吧?这样看,b无关,c有可能出现,应该选b吧??
sales outstanng不是AR吗
请问存货的周转天数减少不也是对流动性有好处吗 为什么不选A呢