NO.PZ2015121801000111 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, whiof the following assumptions allows for the existenof the market portfolio? All investors: A.are pritakers. B.have homogeneous expectations. C.plfor the same, single holng perio is correct.The homogeneous expectations assumption means thall investors analyze securities in the same wanare rational. This, they use the same probability stributions, use the same inputs for future cash flows, anarrive the same valuations. Because their valuation of all assets is intical, they will generate the same optimrisky portfolio, whiis the market portfolio. 框架图里assumption这三个都有,都是原话。怎么就非得选相同预期呢,得太牵强了
NO.PZ2015121801000111 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, whiof the following assumptions allows for the existenof the market portfolio? All investors: A.are pritakers. B.have homogeneous expectations. C.plfor the same, single holng perio is correct.The homogeneous expectations assumption means thall investors analyze securities in the same wanare rational. This, they use the same probability stributions, use the same inputs for future cash flows, anarrive the same valuations. Because their valuation of all assets is intical, they will generate the same optimrisky portfolio, whiis the market portfolio. 请问B为什么不对呢 same single period
NO.PZ2015121801000111 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, whiof the following assumptions allows for the existenof the market portfolio? All investors: A.are pritakers. B.have homogeneous expectations. C.plfor the same, single holng perio is correct.The homogeneous expectations assumption means thall investors analyze securities in the same wanare rational. This, they use the same probability stributions, use the same inputs for future cash flows, anarrive the same valuations. Because their valuation of all assets is intical, they will generate the same optimrisky portfolio, whiis the market portfolio. 没明白题目想问啥,这3个不是都对吗
NO.PZ2015121801000111 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, whiof the following assumptions allows for the existenof the market portfolio? All investors: A.are pritakers. B.have homogeneous expectations. C.plfor the same, single holng perio is correct.The homogeneous expectations assumption means thall investors analyze securities in the same wanare rational. This, they use the same probability stributions, use the same inputs for future cash flows, anarrive the same valuations. Because their valuation of all assets is intical, they will generate the same optimrisky portfolio, whiis the market portfolio. 假设分为对人的假设和对市场的假设,pritaker这个条件属于对市场假设(要求无市场冲击)。----------------------------------------------加油吧,让我们一起遇见更好的自己!------后半句想说的是pritakere属于对人的假设对麻?前半句看懂了,后半句没明白,问的就是对市场的假设,PRITAKER属于对市场假设那就没错啊
NO.PZ2015121801000111 have homogeneous expectations. plfor the same, single holng perio B is correct. The homogeneous expectations assumption means thall investors analyze securities in the same wanare rational. This, they use the same probability stributions, use the same inputs for future cash flows, anarrive the same valuations. Because their valuation of all assets is intical, they will generate the same optimrisky portfolio, whiis the market portfolio.A也是假设中的一个,为什么不适用于这道题