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骑车打伞不太稳 · 2024年02月28日




John Tomb is an investment advisor at an asset management firm. He is developing an asset allocation for James Youngmall, a client of the firm. Tomb considers two possible allocations for Youngmall. Allocation A consists of four asset classes: cash, US bonds, US equities, and global equities. Allocation B includes these same four asset classes, as well as global bonds. Youngmall has a relatively low risk tolerance with a risk aversion coefficient (λ) of 7. Tomb runs mean–variance optimization (MVO) to maximize the following utility function to determine the preferred allocation for Youngmall:

Um= E(R)- 0.005λσm2

The resulting MVO statistics for the two asset allocations are presented in Exhibit 1.

Determine which allocation in Exhibit 1 Tomb should recommend to Youngmall. Justify your response.



Tomb should recommend Allocation B.
The expected utility of Allocation B is 1.89%, which is higher than Allocation A’s expected utility of 1.74%.
MVO provides a framework to determine how much to allocate to each asset class or to create the optimal asset mix. The given objective function is:
Um= E(R)- 0.005λσ
Using the given objective function and the expected returns and expected standard deviations for Allocations A and B, the expected utilities (certainty equivalent returns) for the two allocations are calculated as:
Allocation A: 6.7% – 0.005 (7) (11.9%)2 = 1.74%
Allocation B: 5.9% – 0.005 (7) (10.7%)2 = 1.89%
Therefore, Tomb should recommend Allocation B because it results in higher expected utility than Allocation A.



计算时不要带入百分号%,即按照这个公式来计算:6.7 - 0.005 × 7 × 11.92 计算的结果后面直接加上%。





Utility A = 6.7%-0.5 *7 *0.119^2=1.743%

Utility B = 5.9%-0.5 *7 * 0.107^2=1.8929%

since utility of B is larger than utility A,to maximize utility we should choose allocation B

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年02月29日




计算时不要带入百分号%,即按照这个公式来计算:6.7 - 0.005 × 7 × 11.92 计算的结果后面直接加上%。








Utility A = 6.7%-0.5 *7 *0.119^2=1.743%

Utility B = 5.9%-0.5 *7 * 0.107^2=1.8929%

since utility of B is larger than utility A,to maximize utility we should choose allocation B


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  • 177


答案判断及提示不正确 主观题是不是可以不用写公式啊。我直接写计算结果可以吗。

2024-08-13 10:14 2 · 回答

答案判断及提示不正确 主观题是不是可以不用写公式啊。我直接写计算结果可以吗。

2024-08-13 10:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018031301000003问题如下John Tomb is investment aisor asset management firm. Heis veloping asset allocation for James Youngmall, a client of the firm.Tomb consirs two possible allocations for Youngmall. Allocation A consists offour asset classes: cash, US bon, US equities, anglobequities.Allocation B inclus these same four asset classes, well globbon.Youngmall ha relatively low risk toleranwith a risk aversion coefficient(λ) of 7. Tomb runs mean–varianoptimization (MVO) to maximize the followingutility function to termine the preferreallocation for Youngmall: Um= E(R)- 0.005λσm2The resulting MVO statistifor the two asset allocations arepresentein Exhibit 1.terminewhiallocation in Exhibit 1 Tomb shoulrecommento Youngmall. Justify yourresponse. Tomb shoulecommenAllocation B.The expecteutility of Allocation B is 1.89%, whiishigher thAllocation A’s expecteutility of 1.74%.MVO provis a framework to termine how mutoallocate to eaasset class or to create the optimasset mix. The givenobjective function is:Um= E(R)- 0.005λσm2Using the given objectivefunction anthe expectereturns anexpectestanrviations for AllocationsA anthe expecteutilities (certainty equivalent returns) for the twoallocations are calculateas:Allocation 6.7% – 0.005 (7) (11.9%)2 =1.74%Allocation 5.9% – 0.005 (7) (10.7%)2 =1.89%Therefore, Tomb shoulrecommenAllocation B because itresults in higher expecteutility thAllocation A.关于代入百分号的问题如果考到主观题,写公式以解析中的公式为准,将百分号%当作一个单位来理解。计算时不要带入百分号%,即按照这个公式来计算6.7 - 0.005 × 7 × 11.92 计算的结果后面直接加上%。 如上,直接用小数计算的话

2024-03-16 22:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018031301000003 问题如下 John Tomb is investment aisor asset management firm. Heis veloping asset allocation for James Youngmall, a client of the firm.Tomb consirs two possible allocations for Youngmall. Allocation A consists offour asset classes: cash, US bon, US equities, anglobequities.Allocation B inclus these same four asset classes, well globbon.Youngmall ha relatively low risk toleranwith a risk aversion coefficient(λ) of 7. Tomb runs mean–varianoptimization (MVO) to maximize the followingutility function to termine the preferreallocation for Youngmall: Um= E(R)- 0.005λσm2The resulting MVO statistifor the two asset allocations arepresentein Exhibit 1.terminewhiallocation in Exhibit 1 Tomb shoulrecommento Youngmall. Justify yourresponse. Tomb shoulecommenAllocation B.The expecteutility of Allocation B is 1.89%, whiishigher thAllocation A’s expecteutility of 1.74%.MVO provis a framework to termine how mutoallocate to eaasset class or to create the optimasset mix. The givenobjective function is:Um= E(R)- 0.005λσm2Using the given objectivefunction anthe expectereturns anexpectestanrviations for AllocationsA anthe expecteutilities (certainty equivalent returns) for the twoallocations are calculateas:Allocation 6.7% – 0.005 (7) (11.9%)2 =1.74%Allocation 5.9% – 0.005 (7) (10.7%)2 =1.89%Therefore, Tomb shoulrecommenAllocation B because itresults in higher expecteutility thAllocation A.关于代入百分号的问题如果考到主观题,写公式以解析中的公式为准,将百分号%当作一个单位来理解。计算时不要带入百分号%,即按照这个公式来计算6.7 - 0.005 × 7 × 11.92 计算的结果后面直接加上%。 直接写结果

2024-01-15 11:23 1 · 回答