The typical stages of an integrated ESG assessment are:选项:
A.research, valuation, and portfolio construction.
B.materiality assessment, risk mapping, and valuation.
C.materiality assessment, risk mapping, and portfolio construction.
A is correct. Firms and investment teams might not have ESG factors embedded in their philosophy but still use ESG techniques within investment processes.
These can run alongside a financial analysis or have integrated aspects to the analysis. The typical stages of an integrated ESG investment are
► a research stage,
► a valuation stage, and
► a portfolio construction stage, which leads to investment decisions.
老师您好,请教下,目前主流的评级体系主要是msci吗?还是其他的比如富时罗素一类呢?esg评级作为整合esg评估的阶段中的一个环节它的主要目的是给某个企业或者某个组合的esg打分吗?这个环节和scorecard有啥区别呢?在实际应用中esg评级是必须环节吗?另外讲义提到的评级是不是主要针对股权投资某个企业而言,也适用于投资基础设施项目或者债券吗? 谢谢您