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Frances · 2024年02月08日

Real option



Which of the following statements about real options is true?



Using option pricing models estimates an option’s value with the highest accuracy.


Real options allow companies to abandon an investment project if its profitability is poor.


Real options would allow a refinery to hedge future prices of crude oil needed for production.


B is correct. An abandonment option is a type of real option, which allows a company to abandon the investment after it is undertaken.

A is incorrect because even though real options can be priced using option pricing models, the estimates require multiple unobservable inputs, such as probabilities of events and timing of their occurrence. The complexity does not necessarily improve accuracy.

C is incorrect because real options provide companies with flexibility with regard to future decisions; however, they do not allow the hedging of commodity prices. The risk of crude oil price changes can be hedged using financial options, not real options.

real option 在corporate issuers哪里讲了?我回去翻讲义都没找到

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2024年02月08日



也请参考强化班讲义墨迹版 P56


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NO.PZ2023090506000009 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about reoptions is true? A.Using option pricing mols estimates option’s value with the highest accuracy. B.Reoptions allow companies to abann investment projeif its profitability is poor. C.Reoptions woulallow a refinery to hee future prices of cru oil neefor proction. B is correct. abannment option is a type of reoption, whiallows a company to abann the investment after it is unrtaken. A is incorrebecause even though reoptions cpriceusing option pricing mols, the estimates require multiple unobservable inputs, suprobabilities of events antiming of their occurrence. The complexity es not necessarily improve accuracy. C is incorrebecause reoptions provi companies with flexibility with regarto future cisions; however, they not allow the heing of commoty prices. The risk of cru oil prichanges cheeusing financioptions, not reoptions. 实物期权是用期权定价(BSM)呀, A错在哪里了

2024-11-11 17:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023090506000009 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about reoptions is true? A.Using option pricing mols estimates option’s value with the highest accuracy. B.Reoptions allow companies to abann investment projeif its profitability is poor. C.Reoptions woulallow a refinery to hee future prices of cru oil neefor proction. B is correct. abannment option is a type of reoption, whiallows a company to abann the investment after it is unrtaken. A is incorrebecause even though reoptions cpriceusing option pricing mols, the estimates require multiple unobservable inputs, suprobabilities of events antiming of their occurrence. The complexity es not necessarily improve accuracy. C is incorrebecause reoptions provi companies with flexibility with regarto future cisions; however, they not allow the heing of commoty prices. The risk of cru oil prichanges cheeusing financioptions, not reoptions. 以C为例

2024-02-17 19:02 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023090506000009 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about reoptions is true? A.Using option pricing mols estimates option’s value with the highest accuracy. B.Reoptions allow companies to abann investment projeif its profitability is poor. C.Reoptions woulallow a refinery to hee future prices of cru oil neefor proction. B is correct. abannment option is a type of reoption, whiallows a company to abann the investment after it is unrtaken. A is incorrebecause even though reoptions cpriceusing option pricing mols, the estimates require multiple unobservable inputs, suprobabilities of events antiming of their occurrence. The complexity es not necessarily improve accuracy. C is incorrebecause reoptions provi companies with flexibility with regarto future cisions; however, they not allow the heing of commoty prices. The risk of cru oil prichanges cheeusing financioptions, not reoptions. c为什么错

2024-02-12 20:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023090506000009 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about reoptions is true? A.Using option pricing mols estimates option’s value with the highest accuracy. B.Reoptions allow companies to abann investment projeif its profitability is poor. C.Reoptions woulallow a refinery to hee future prices of cru oil neefor proction. B is correct. abannment option is a type of reoption, whiallows a company to abann the investment after it is unrtaken. A is incorrebecause even though reoptions cpriceusing option pricing mols, the estimates require multiple unobservable inputs, suprobabilities of events antiming of their occurrence. The complexity es not necessarily improve accuracy. C is incorrebecause reoptions provi companies with flexibility with regarto future cisions; however, they not allow the heing of commoty prices. The risk of cru oil prichanges cheeusing financioptions, not reoptions. 不是很明白的,公司发行人这门课再回来复习发现好多英文词都不大懂,也忘了一些,做题正确率不高怎么办呢

2023-10-21 11:25 1 · 回答