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Darkblanca · 2024年02月07日




Rosario Delgado is an investment manager in Spain. Delgado’s client, Max Rivera, seeks assistance with his well-diversified investment portfolio denominated in US dollars.

Rivera’s reporting currency is the euro, and he is concerned about his US dollar exposure. His portfolio IPS requires monthly rebalancing, at a minimum. The portfolio’s market value is USD2.5 million. Given Rivera’s risk aversion, Delgado is considering a monthly hedge using either a one-month forward contract or one-month futures contract.

Assume Rivera’s portfolio was perfectly hedged. It is now time to rebalance the portfolio and roll the currency hedge forward one month. The relevant data for rebalancing are provided in Exhibit 1.

Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the desired hedge. Show your calculations.



Correct Answer:

When hedging one month ago, Delgado would have sold USD2,500,000 one month forward against the euro. Now, with the US dollar-denominated portfolio increasing in value to USD2,650,000, a mismatched FX swap is needed to settle the initial expiring forward contract and establish a new hedge given the higher market value of the US dollar-denominated portfolio.

To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the desired hedge, the following steps are necessary:

1. Buy USD2,500,000 at the spot rate. Buying US dollars against the euro means selling euros, which is the base currency in the EUR/USD spot rate. Therefore, the offer side of the market must be used to calculate the outflow in euros.

USD2,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.

2. Sell USD2,650,000 at the spot rate adjusted for the one-month forward points (all-in forward rate). Selling the US dollar against the euro means buying euros, which is the base currency in the EUR/USD spot rate. Therefore, the bid side of the market must be used to calculate the inflow in euros.

All-in forward rate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.

USD2,650,000 × 0.8895 = EUR2,357,175.

3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equal to EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, which is equal to EUR138,175.


1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年02月07日


这道题是一个比较特殊的题,这道题问的是一个net cash flow。因为这个是一个课后题,因此协会给出的参考答案就是这样的。

题目中的本币为欧元,因此对于拥有的2.5m的美元资产需要进行外汇风险的hedge,且采用的是forward进行动态对冲,那么在0时刻需要short 一个2.5m的forward,到1时刻再重新调整hedge时,我们首先需要结束掉0时刻的forward,也就是在现货市场上买2.5m的美元,同时开始一个新的short 2.65m的forward。那么现金流主要就是买美元支付的现金流=USD2,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000,同时short一个新的forward获得的现金流USD2,650,000 × 【0.8875 + (20/10,000)】 = EUR2,357,175,那么最终的net cash flow=EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000= EUR138,175.

这道题目确实是本身存在着一定的不严谨的地方,但目前题库的答案都是协会给出的一个官方答案,老师在讲这道题的时候也说过这道题的不严谨之处,并且这种思路一般来说也不是一个常规的考核点,因此这道题我们重点掌握这个roll forward的一个过程,加深对这个过程的一个理解即可。


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NO.PZ2022123002000002 问题如下 Rosario lga is aninvestment manager in Spain. lga’s client, MRiverseeks assistancewith his well-versifieinvestment portfolio nominatein US llars.Rivera’s reportingcurrenis the euro, anhe is concerneabout his US llexposure. Hisportfolio IPS requires monthly rebalancing, a minimum. The portfolio’smarket value is US.5 million. Given Rivera’s risk aversion, lga isconsiring a monthly hee using either a one-month forwarcontraorone-month futures contract.Assume Rivera’sportfolio wperfectly hee It is now time to rebalanthe portfolio anoll the currenhee forwarone month. The relevant ta for rebalancingare proviin Exhibit 1.Calculate the net cash flow(in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. CorreAnswer:When heing onemonth ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst theeuro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value toUS,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiringforwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of theUS llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate thenet cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps arenecessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spotrate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the basecurrenin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market mustuseto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876= EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Sellingthe US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currencyin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must usetocalculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate= 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895= EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equto EUR138,175. roll有两种,一种是在每次全部都roll掉,另外一种是针对变动的头寸来roll,这个题目怎么判断是第一种而不是第二种呢,题目也没明确说明

2024-06-13 13:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000002 问题如下 Rosario lga is aninvestment manager in Spain. lga’s client, MRiverseeks assistancewith his well-versifieinvestment portfolio nominatein US llars.Rivera’s reportingcurrenis the euro, anhe is concerneabout his US llexposure. Hisportfolio IPS requires monthly rebalancing, a minimum. The portfolio’smarket value is US.5 million. Given Rivera’s risk aversion, lga isconsiring a monthly hee using either a one-month forwarcontraorone-month futures contract.Assume Rivera’sportfolio wperfectly hee It is now time to rebalanthe portfolio anoll the currenhee forwarone month. The relevant ta for rebalancingare proviin Exhibit 1.Calculate the net cash flow(in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. CorreAnswer:When heing onemonth ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst theeuro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value toUS,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiringforwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of theUS llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate thenet cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps arenecessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spotrate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the basecurrenin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market mustuseto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876= EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Sellingthe US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currencyin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must usetocalculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate= 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895= EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equto EUR138,175. 请老师明确说明在“toy”这个时间点的现金流发生情况(以我们未来参加考试时应该如何回答为标准)我在“toy”这个时间点,签订下个月的价值US2650000的 short forwar,我是否立刻会收到欧元现金?(请务必明确说明)

2024-02-10 18:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000002 问题如下 Rosario lga is aninvestment manager in Spain. lga’s client, MRiverseeks assistancewith his well-versifieinvestment portfolio nominatein US llars.Rivera’s reportingcurrenis the euro, anhe is concerneabout his US llexposure. Hisportfolio IPS requires monthly rebalancing, a minimum. The portfolio’smarket value is US.5 million. Given Rivera’s risk aversion, lga isconsiring a monthly hee using either a one-month forwarcontraorone-month futures contract.Assume Rivera’sportfolio wperfectly hee It is now time to rebalanthe portfolio anoll the currenhee forwarone month. The relevant ta for rebalancingare proviin Exhibit 1.Calculate the net cash flow(in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. CorreAnswer:When heing onemonth ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst theeuro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value toUS,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiringforwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of theUS llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate thenet cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps arenecessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spotrate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the basecurrenin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market mustuseto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876= EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Sellingthe US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currencyin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must usetocalculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate= 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895= EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equto EUR138,175. 第二份新forwar题目中提到的时间点不会发生任何现金流,所以官方答案就是错误的。没必要编出一套理论去迎合官方答案。

2024-01-20 20:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000002 问题如下 Rosario lga is aninvestment manager in Spain. lga’s client, MRiverseeks assistancewith his well-versifieinvestment portfolio nominatein US llars.Rivera’s reportingcurrenis the euro, anhe is concerneabout his US llexposure. Hisportfolio IPS requires monthly rebalancing, a minimum. The portfolio’smarket value is US.5 million. Given Rivera’s risk aversion, lga isconsiring a monthly hee using either a one-month forwarcontraorone-month futures contract.Assume Rivera’sportfolio wperfectly hee It is now time to rebalanthe portfolio anoll the currenhee forwarone month. The relevant ta for rebalancingare proviin Exhibit 1.Calculate the net cash flow(in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. CorreAnswer:When heing onemonth ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst theeuro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value toUS,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiringforwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of theUS llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate thenet cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps arenecessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spotrate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the basecurrenin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market mustuseto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876= EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Sellingthe US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currencyin the EUR/USspot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must usetocalculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate= 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895= EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equto EUR138,175. 比如买了一个一个后月卖出2.5million us买入euro的forwar如交割价格为eur/us0.8),一个月后需要平仓。一个月后,假如spot eur/us0.9, 我的平仓操作为什么是直接按照spot rate买入2.5million us而不是卖出到期合同所获得的euro 2million(=2.5*0.8),然后再买入另外一个一个月后卖出2.65million us买入euro的forwar?

2023-08-14 21:38 1 · 回答