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Christinafx · 2024年02月05日

我记得基础班讲discretionary hedging的范围是小幅度的

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Determine the most appropriate currency management strategy for Bhatt. Justify your response.



Correct Answer:

Passive hedging is not appropriate because with this approach, the goal is to keep the portfolio’s currency exposures close, if not equal to, those of a benchmark portfolio used to evaluate performance. Passive hedging is a rules-based approach that removes all discretion from the portfolio manager, regardless of the manager’s market opinion on future movements in exchange rates. In this case, Bhatt has granted Darden the discretion to manage currency exposures within a range of plus or minus 25% from the neutral benchmark position.

A discretionary hedging approach is not appropriate because Bhatt has granted Darden more than limited discretion (plus or minus 25% from the neutral position), indicative of an active currency management approach. The discretion granted suggests that Darden’s primary goal is to take currency risks and manage them for profit with a secondary goal of protecting the portfolio from currency risk. The primary goal of a discretionary hedging approach is to protect the portfolio from currency risk while secondarily seeking alpha within limited bounds.

这个小幅度具体是3%以内还是5%以内,我记得好像是5%? 请老师解答下哈,谢谢

2 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年02月05日








Christinafx · 2024年02月05日


pzqa31 · 2024年02月05日




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NO.PZ202212300200001501 问题如下 termine the most appropriatecurrenmanagement strategy for Bhatt. Justifyyour response. CorrectAnswer:Passive heing isnot appropriate because with this approach, the gois to keep the portfolio’scurrenexposures close, if not equto, those of a benchmark portfolio useo evaluate performance. Passive heing is a rules-baseapproathremovesall scretion from the portfolio manager, regaress of the manager’s marketopinion on future movements in exchange rates. In this case, Bhatt hgrantearn the scretion to manage currenexposures within a range of plus orminus 25% from the neutrbenchmark position.A scretionaryheing approais not appropriate because Bhatt hgrantern more thanlimitescretion (plus or minus 25% from the neutrposition), incative ofactive currenmanagement approach. The scretion grantesuggests thatrn’s primary gois to take currenrisks anmanage them for profit witha seconry goof protecting the portfolio from currenrisk. The primarygoof a scretionary heing approais to protethe portfolio fromcurrenrisk while seconrily seeking alpha within limiteboun. The scretion grantesuggests thrn’s primary gois to take currenrisks anmanage them for profit with a seconry goof protecting the portfolio from currenrisk. The primary goof a scretionary heing approais to protethe portfolio from currenrisk while seconrily seeking alpha within limiteboun.

2024-01-03 08:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202212300200001501 问题如下 termine the most appropriatecurrenmanagement strategy for Bhatt. Justifyyour response. CorrectAnswer:Passive heing isnot appropriate because with this approach, the gois to keep the portfolio’scurrenexposures close, if not equto, those of a benchmark portfolio useo evaluate performance. Passive heing is a rules-baseapproathremovesall scretion from the portfolio manager, regaress of the manager’s marketopinion on future movements in exchange rates. In this case, Bhatt hgrantearn the scretion to manage currenexposures within a range of plus orminus 25% from the neutrbenchmark position.A scretionaryheing approais not appropriate because Bhatt hgrantern more thanlimitescretion (plus or minus 25% from the neutrposition), incative ofactive currenmanagement approach. The scretion grantesuggests thatrn’s primary gois to take currenrisks anmanage them for profit witha seconry goof protecting the portfolio from currenrisk. The primarygoof a scretionary heing approais to protethe portfolio fromcurrenrisk while seconrily seeking alpha within limiteboun. 是根据25%判断不是scretionary 吗?scretionary 的最大比例是多少?

2023-06-30 22:04 1 · 回答