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PZmomo · 2024年02月02日

method 2



Yang asks Whitney to explain the calculation of the fixed swap rate in a floating-for-fixed interest rate swap. Whitney outlines three possible methods for Yang to consider.

Method 1 The swap rate is the difference between MRR and the fixed interest rate on the bond.

Method 2 The swap rate is the rate that sets the value of the fixed-rate bond equal to the notional principal of the swap.

Method 3 The swap rate is the rate that sets the initial value of the swap equal to zero.

Which method described by Whitney is most likely correct



Method 3


Method 2


Method 1


A is correct. The swap rate in a fixed-for-floating swap is the fixed rate that sets the initial value of the swap equal to zero. This is accomplished by setting the value of the fixed side equal to that of the floating side.

The swap rate is the rate that sets the value of the fixed-rate bond equal to the notional principal of the swap.

不是根据“NP=coupon折现+NP折现”算出fixed rate的吗?

那这个表述错在哪里呢?“the value of the fixed-rate bond”指的是什么?

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年02月02日


主语是 swap rate,swap rate是互换利率。

这是根据固定利率部分的PV = 浮动利率部分的PV算出来的,也就是要让fixed-rate部分的value = floating-rate部分的value,然后依此求出fixed swap rate:

利率互换是不涉及本金(notional principal)交换的,所以Method 2说错了。

the value of the fixed-rate bond指的就是固定利率部分的价值。利率互换可以看作是固定利率债券和浮动利率债券这两部分,期初让当这两部分的价值相等,才是公平、合理的互换合约,然后在此基础上才能求出swap rate。
