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考拉 · 2024年02月01日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



With respect to Company A, which of Navarro’s statements to Patel is most likely correct?


A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C.Statement 3



B is correct. Statement 2 is correct. The short stock/long call position is long vega and will benefit from increased volatility, whereas the short stock/short put position is short vega and will benefit from reduced volatility. Statement 1 is incorrect. The delta of her short position is –500. The call delta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. The delta of the combined position is –280.5. The short put delta is 0.199.5 = 500 × –(–0.399). The delta of the combined position is –300.5. Thus, both positions are bearish, but the put delta position is more bearish. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative and is exposed to time decay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028)] and benefits from time decay.

A is incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. The delta of her short position is –500. The call delta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. So, the stock + call position delta is –280.5. The short put delta is 500 × –(–0.399) = 199. So, the stock + short put position delta is –300.5. Thus, while both positions are bearish, the stock + short put delta position is more bearish.

C is incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative and is exposed to time decay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028) and benefits from time decay.


Q2.stock 的delta 默认是1?delta的定义是底层资产价格变化对期权价格变化的影响,但是如果单纯交易stock,并不涉及期权啊

Q3.theta 的定义是时间流逝对期权价格的影响,因为stock不涉及期权,所以 theta 是不是0?The theta for the short stock/short put position应该是 0 –(–0.028) =0.028?

Q4.为什么当theta 为负数,时间流逝越多,期权越不值钱(何老师课上说的)?怎么通过theta=change in price of option/change in time理解,我感觉分子分母方向正反变化有点乱,很难解释,请老师解答一下。

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年02月02日






Q2.stock 的delta 默认是1?delta的定义是底层资产价格变化对期权价格变化的影响,但是如果单纯交易stock,并不涉及期权啊

----stock、stock index、stock forward的delta都是1,这是基本性质,直接记住就行了。

Q3.theta 的定义是时间流逝对期权价格的影响,因为stock不涉及期权,所以 theta 是不是0?The theta for the short stock/short put position应该是 0 –(–0.028) =0.028?


Q4.为什么当theta 为负数,时间流逝越多,期权越不值钱(何老师课上说的)?怎么通过theta=change in price of option/change in time理解,我感觉分子分母方向正反变化有点乱,很难解释,请老师解答一下。

---theta 衡量时间变化对期权理论价值的影响。表示时间每经过一天,期权价值会损失多少。Theta=期权价格的变化/距离到期日时间的变化。theta 说的是在其它因素不变的情况下,期权价值随着流逝的时间变化的变化,它等于1单位时间(比如1天)过去,期权价值变化多少。时间消逝,期权的time value 降低,期权的价值降低。也就是说the passage of time增加,期权价值减小,所以theta一般来说是负的。


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NO.PZ202208100100000102 问题如下 With respeto Company whiof Navarro’s statements to Patel is most likely correct? A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C.Statement 3 SolutionB is correct. Statement 2 is correct. The short stock/long call position is long vega anwill benefit from increasevolatility, wherethe short stock/short put position is short vega anwill benefit from recevolatility. Statement 1 is incorrect. The lta of her short position is –500. The call lta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. The lta of the combineposition is –280.5. The short put lta is 0.199.5 = 500 × –(–0.399). The lta of the combineposition is –300.5. Thus, both positions are bearish, but the put lta position is more bearish. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative anis exposeto time cay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028)] anbenefits from time cay.A is incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. The lta of her short position is –500. The call lta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. So, the sto+ call position lta is –280.5. The short put lta is 500 × –(–0.399) = 199. So, the sto+ short put position lta is –300.5. Thus, while both positions are bearish, the sto+ short put lta position is more bearish.C is incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative anis exposeto time cay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028) anbenefits from time cay. 请问?为啥 这里可以理解一份期权对应100份股票,所以在计算期权的lta的时候,要用合约的份数先乘以100再乘以期权的lta?为啥一份合约 对应100份股票?

2023-05-21 08:39 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000102 问题如下 With respeto Company whiof Navarro’s statements to Patel is most likely correct? A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C.Statement 3 SolutionB is correct. Statement 2 is correct. The short stock/long call position is long vega anwill benefit from increasevolatility, wherethe short stock/short put position is short vega anwill benefit from recevolatility. Statement 1 is incorrect. The lta of her short position is –500. The call lta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. The lta of the combineposition is –280.5. The short put lta is 0.199.5 = 500 × –(–0.399). The lta of the combineposition is –300.5. Thus, both positions are bearish, but the put lta position is more bearish. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative anis exposeto time cay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028)] anbenefits from time cay.A is incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. The lta of her short position is –500. The call lta is 500 × 0.439 = 219.5. So, the sto+ call position lta is –280.5. The short put lta is 500 × –(–0.399) = 199. So, the sto+ short put position lta is –300.5. Thus, while both positions are bearish, the sto+ short put lta position is more bearish.C is incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. The theta of the short stock/long call position is negative anis exposeto time cay. The theta for the short stock/short put position is positive [= –(–0.028) anbenefits from time cay. B中put也是long vega 吧,因为 所有的option 都是赌波动率的上升,call 和put vega应该都是正的呀老师其他几个也没看懂,能帮忙详细下吗?

2022-12-04 21:05 2 · 回答