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leon奋斗 · 2024年01月27日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



In the discussion between McNeil and his colleague about the portfolio performance shown in Exhibit 1, the most accurate statement is:


A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3.



B is correct. The decision to underweight the health care sector was not beneficial, because the allocation contribution to the excess return is negative (–0.16%).

A is incorrect. Although the financial services sector performed well, it is the technology sector performance that provided the largest contribution to the excess return of the portfolio.

C is incorrect. The decision to underweight the consumer goods sector negatively affected the excess return (–0.15%), which is not a benefit.


2 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年01月27日


不可以这样理解,某一个effect带来的影响是好是坏,就单看这个effect的数值即可。这个 -0.15%代表的就是低配了consumer带来了0.15%的损失


吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年01月27日


本题关键词:overweight/underweight。因为考虑的是weight,所以考虑的是allocation effect。这道题allocation effect的具体数值已经算出来了,直接读取数据即可。

Statement 3:The decision to underweight the consumer goods sector was beneficial given the net contribution of 0.41% to the excess return。

对应我们找到的是consumer goods的allocation部分:-0.15%,并不是一个beneficial的factor。所以C是错的。


leon奋斗 · 2024年01月27日

allocation 确实是-0.15% not beneficial 但,是不是可以这么理解:低配这个sector之后,对整个组合的贡献是-0.15+0.56,正的0.41%,是beneficial的? 毕竟因为低配它,对整个组合的净收益是0.41%,正的

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NO.PZ202206140600000203 问题如下 Chasing Alpha ResearCase ScenarioBen McNeil works a senior manager Chasing Alpha Resear(CAR), a boutique investment house thspecializes in managing portfolios for enwment fun. For the past year, Chbeen veloping a machine learning (ML) algorithm thleverages frequently upteinternta (e.g., security weights, tras, anreturns) anexternta sources to construinvistoportfolios within a pre-terminesector allocation range (–5% to +5% of benchmark). The goof the portfolio is to outperform the benchmark over a 12-month perio anMcNeil is reviewing the performanresults to evaluate the effectiveness of the big ta strategy. Attribution results for the portfolio are proviin Exhibit 1.Exhibit 1. Attribution Results of the ML Tool-BasePortfolio Return Using the Brinson MolMcNeil consirs whiappraismethoshouluseto evaluate the effectiveness of the ML tool. He selects a portfolio constructethe ML tool baseon the investment mante provione of CAR’s clients with the following characteristics: morate to high risk toleranana preferenfor a short-term return this 1.5% above the risk-free rate. In scussing the portfolio’s performanwith a colleague, the following statements are ma: Statement 1The excess return of the portfolio is almost entirely iven the selection aninteraction performanof the financiservices sector.Statement 2The cision to unrweight the health care sector wnot beneficial. Statement 3The cision to unrweight the consumer goo sector wbeneficigiven the net contribution of 0.41% to the excess return.In reviewing the overall technology sector return, McNeil realizetha large portion of the return wiven a cision to sell equivalent llamount of Gamma Technology Inanbuy Epsilon Blockchain Co., whioutperformethe market. Without this tra, the portfolio’s technology sector return woulhave only been 12.50%. He cis to calculate the associateselection aninteraction measure hthtra not occurreQuestion In the scussion between McNeil anhis colleague about the portfolio performanshown in Exhibit 1, the most accurate statement is: A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. SolutionB is correct. The cision to unrweight the health care sector wnot beneficial, because the allocation contribution to the excess return is negative (–0.16%). A is incorrect. Although the financiservices sector performewell, it is the technology sector performanthprovithe largest contribution to the excess return of the portfolio. C is incorrect. The cision to unrweight the consumer goo sector negatively affectethe excess return (–0.15%), whiis not a benefit. b的health care sector因为benchmark表现不如组合平均,所以如果用BH模型来看,其实是beneficiary,但是也理解老师所讲解的这道题的理解思路为因为health care整体收益为正,所以低配就not beneficiary。有一道类似的原版书课后题就是在问对不同国家allocation的效果所给组合带来的影响,就考虑了不同板块benchmark的收益与组合平均收益间的大小关系。请问考试的时候应该怎么区分到底从哪个角度出发呢?硬要说的话就是a和c错的更彻底,b还有一个不同理解角度出发的回旋余地。。

2024-07-28 15:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206140600000203 问题如下 In the scussion between McNeil anhis colleague about the portfolio performanshown in Exhibit 1, the most accurate statement is: A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. SolutionB is correct. The cision to unrweight the health care sector wnot beneficial, because the allocation contribution to the excess return is negative (–0.16%). A is incorrect. Although the financiservices sector performewell, it is the technology sector performanthprovithe largest contribution to the excess return of the portfolio. C is incorrect. The cision to unrweight the consumer goo sector negatively affectethe excess return (–0.15%), whiis not a benefit. health care的benchmark return小于整体benchmark return,unrweight为什么not beneficial整体组合呢?

2023-05-05 16:08 2 · 回答