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momo · 2024年01月25日




Q. Identify the fee approach that most directly encourages private equity fund managers to invest selectively, not just quickly. Management fees:


A.based on committed capital B.combined with an incentive fee C.based on a fixed percentage of assets under management


The correct answer is A. Private equity funds typically calculate their management fee based on committed capital, which is the total amount that the limited partners have promised to fund future investments, rather than based on assets under management. The committed-capital basis for management fees is an important distinction from hedge funds, whose management fees are typically based on assets under management. Having committed capital as the basis for management fee calculations reduces the incentive for GPs to deploy the committed capital as quickly as possible to grow their fee base and thus allows the GPs to be selective about deploying capital into investment opportunities. B is incorrect because alternative investment funds usually combine a management fee with a performance fee paid when fund returns exceed a specified hurdle rate. Although this combined fee approach is typical for alternative investment funds, it is not what encourages managers to invest selectively, rather than quickly. C is incorrect because typically hedge funds and REITs charge a management fee on assets under management, while private equity funds instead levy management fees on committed capital.


1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年01月26日


这道题问的是管理费按照什么去征收,PE才不会着急着把钱投出去。首先我们知道PE的管理费是基于committed capital来征收的,也就是A选项,那么这种为什么可以避免PE着急投钱呢,如果假设LP承诺给1个亿的资金,那么这笔资金不是一次性给到GP的,而是GP有好的项目,LP才给,但是GP在找项目时,它需要干的活是基于1个亿的,如果按照不是按照1个亿给他钱,而是按照实际投出去的资金的话,那PE是有动机为了拿多管理费把所有资金急吼吼投出去的。

C选项说的是按照AUM来征收,这是Hedge Fund的管理费的征收方式,所以这个是错误的哈。
