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aileen20180623 · 2024年01月24日


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3. The forecasted item described in Reason 3 will most likely impact:



earnings per share.


dividends per share.


book value per share.


C is correct.

Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) bypasses the income statement and goes directly to the statement of stockholders’ equity (which is a violation of the clean surplus relationship). Therefore, book value per share for PTU will be impacted by forecasted OCI.

我看了答案说不选earning的原因是暗含假设只会发生一次,不是长期OCI,可是课件里有两快提到OCI,我区分不清楚能详细在解释下什么情况可以选C,什么时候只是book value

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年01月24日

同学你好,你的问题助教不是非常理解——英文解析中只说了“Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) bypasses the income statement and goes directly to the statement of stockholders’ equity (which is a violation of the clean surplus relationship). Therefore, book value per share for PTU will be impacted by forecasted OCI.”也就是选C的原因,并没有提及A和B,你的结论“不选earning的原因是暗含假设只会发生一次,不是长期OCI,”是指什么?或是从哪个答案截取的一段话?

另外你说的“什么情况可以选C,什么时候只是book value”助教也不太理解,C就是equity book value,这两者没有区别,又何来的选C和选book value的差异呢?


既然OCI的定义就是会直接影响Equity的book value,而不会影响I/S表项目的内容(I/S表也很大程度决定了分红的多少),而reason 3说的就是公司未来会有大量的OCI,那肯定和A B都没有关系,只能选C哦

以助教的记忆,OCI在RI这一章主要涉及的就是“如果公司有大量的OCI,就会显著的影响RI的基础假设前提——即clean surplus。而如果一定要在有大量OCI的情况下运用RI model,那就需要对OCI进行调整后才可使用”,但是看起来和你的问题也不是很相关?你说的OCI在讲义有两块内容,麻烦你具体指出你是哪两块地方见到的,助教才好更针对性的回答哦

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NO.PZ201710200100000403 问题如下 Elena Castovis a junior analyst with Contralith Capital, a long-only equity investment manager. She hbeen asketo value three stocks on Contralith’s watlist: Portous, In(PTU), SSX Financi(SSX), anTantechi Lt (TTCI).ring their weekly meeting, Castovanher supervisor, Ariana Beckworth, scuss characteristiof resiincome (RI) mols. Castovtells Beckworth the following.· Statement 1: The present value of the terminvalue in RI mols is often a larger portion of the totintrinsic value thit is in other F valuation mols.· Statement 2: The RI mol’s use of accounting income assumes ththe cost of capitis appropriately reflecteinterest expense.· Statement3: RI mols cannot realy applieto companies th not have positive expectenear-term free cash flows.Beckworth asks Castovwhy RI mol mmore appropriate for valuing PTU ththe vinscount mol or a free cash flow mol. Castovtells Beckworth that, over her five-yeforecast horizon, she expects PTU to perform the following actions. · Reason 1: Pvin thare unprectable· Reason 2: Generate positive anfairly prectable free cash flows· Reason 3: Report significant amounts of other comprehensive incomethe conclusion of their meeting, Beckworth asks Castovto value SSX using RI mols. Selectefinanciinformation on SSX is presentein Exhibit 1.Castovan’s finassignment is to termine the intrinsic value of TTusing both a singlestage ana multistage RI mol. Selecteta anassumptions for TTare presentein Exhibit 2.For the multistage mol, Castovforecasts TTCI’s ROE to higher thits long-term ROE for the first three years. Forecasteearnings per share anvin per share for TTare presentein Exhibit 3. Starting in Ye4, Castovforecasts TTCI’s ROE to revert to the constant long-term ROE of 12% annually. The terminvalue is baseon assumption thresiincome per share will constant from Ye3 into perpetuity.Beckworth questions Castovan’s assumption regarng the impliepersistenfactor usein the multistage RI valuation. She tells Castovthshe believes tha persistenfactor of 0.10 is appropriate for TTCI.3. The forecasteitem scribein Reason 3 will most likely impact: A.earnings per share. B.vin per share. C.book value per share. C is correct. Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) bypasses the income statement angoes rectly to the statement of stockholrs’ equity (whiis a violation of the clesurplus relationship). Therefore, book value per share for PTU will impacteforecasteOCI. https://class.pzacamy.com/qa/176020 这道题的结论是Equity的Book Value不变;但是本题结论是Equity的Book Value是变的

2024-08-21 18:49 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000403 1111

2021-12-24 14:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000403 老师账上有OCI,不是应该在NI基础上加上OCI一起作为income在减去期初的账面净资产*股东要求回报率,所以要在earning per share上调整呀

2021-11-24 23:37 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000403 请问老师, Book value per share指的是of Equity per share吗?  谢谢!

2021-04-06 23:55 1 · 回答