Wuyan reports that after repeatedly searching the most recent 10 years of data, she eventually identified variables that had a statistically significant relationship with equity returns. Wuyan used these variables to forecast equity returns. She documented, in a separate section of the report, a high correlation between nominal GDP and equity returns. Based on this noted high correlation, Wuyan concludes that nominal GDP predicts equity returns. Based on her statistical results, Wuyan expects equities to underperform over the next 12 months and recommends that the firm underweight equities.
Commenting on the report, John Tommanson, an investment adviser for the firm, suggests extending the starting point of the historical data back another 20 years to obtain more robust statistical results. Doing so would enable the analysis to include different economic and central bank policy environments. Tommanson is reluctant to underweight equities for his clients, citing the strong performance of equities over the last quarter, and believes the most recent quarterly data should be weighted more heavily in setting capital market expectations.
Discuss how each of the following forecasting challenges evident in Wuyan’s report and in Tommanson’s comments affects the setting of capital market expectations:
i. Status quo bias
ii. Data-mining bias
iii. Risk of regime change
iv. Misinterpretation of correlation
Status quo bias
Tommanson’s statement that he is reluctant to underweight equities given the strong performance of equities over the last quarter is an example of status quo bias. His statement that the most recent quarterly data should be weighted more heavily in setting capital market expectations is also an example of this bias. Status quo bias reflects the tendency for forecasts to perpetuate recent observations and for managers to then avoid making changes. Status quo bias can be mitigated by a disciplined effort to avoid anchoring on the status quo.
Data-mining bias
In Wuyan’s report, data-mining bias arises from repeatedly searching a data set until a statistically significant pattern emerges. Such a pattern will almost inevitably occur, but the statistical relationship cannot be expected to have predictive value. As a result, the modeling results are unreliable. Irrelevant variables are often included in the forecasting model. As a solution, the analyst should scrutinize the variables selected and provide an economic rationale for each variable selected in the forecasting model. A further test is to examine the forecasting relationship out of sample.
Risk of regime change
The suggestion by Tommanson to extend the data series back increases the risk of the data representing more than one regime. A change in regime is a shift in the technological, political, legal, economic, or regulatory environments. Regime change alters the risk–return relationship since the asset’s risk and return characteristics vary with economic and market environments. Analysts can apply statistical techniques that account for the regime change or simply use only part of the whole data series.
Misinterpretation of correlation
Wuyan states that the high correlation between nominal GDP and equity returns implies nominal GDP predicts equity returns. This statement is incorrect since high correlation does not imply causation. In this case, nominal GDP could predict equity returns, equity returns could predict nominal GDP, a third variable could predict both, or the relationship could merely be spurious. Correlation does not allow the analyst to distinguish between these cases. As a result, correlation relationships should not be used in a predictive model without understanding the underlying linkages between the variables.
因为跟 BF 的内容很像, 考纲也没有了 还需要背吗